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Picto Diary - 15 to 24 February 2024 - The Popl returns to Park City

Above: LSDM Colloquium - 16 February 2024 - Wasatch Bagel
New guests. Peter, US Army ret. Afghanistan and Iraq; Colin, venture capitalist.

Dennis Lockhart, former Atlanta Fed President, and regular, annual Park City LSDM visitor, doesn't see an interest rate cut before June.

Above: Iron Canyon, Park City, UT. 16 February 2024

Dennis Lockhart, former President of Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank, opines to party guests on monetary policy. Fifty-year friend Dennis has been a Taylor house guest for the past fifteen ski seasons.

Above: Deer Valley, UT. 17 February 2024.
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Bishop, 'Cake, Johann Palmstruch.

33 05 339 (2/18)
34 14 353 (2/19)

Above: Deer Valley, 18 and 19 February 2024.

Above: TIMDT in Ivins. 18 February 2024.

Taking in the sun.

Above: Mike Callen (former Citi Vice Chairman), Steve Taylor, Dennis Lockhart (former Atlanta Fed pres), Vickie Callen. Glenwild Country Club, Park City, UT. 19 February 2024.

1972 participants in Citibank's Beirut, Lebanon Executive Training Center (ETC), and 52 yearlong friends, reminisce. Lockhart and Taylor both agree that the ETC's, Mike Callen conceived, Bourse Game was the top educational experience of a lifetime. Also remembered: skiing at Faraya in a blizzard.

 Ski Lebanon's Faraya Mzaar resort. Hotel bookings and chalet rentals for the Faraya Mzaar ski area in Lebanon (

Names remembered from the Class of 1972:  Steve and Marcia Crabtree, Rob and Nancy Bradley, Don and Carolyn Vogt, Rajesh Singh, Mickey Daulat Singh, George Barnes, Abdullah and Zakiah Alireza, Avid Adjani, Charles Kokesh... there were more, my memory is not pulling them up right now.

35 02 355
Deer Valley
20 February 2024

Above: New and old Utah State Flags. Deer Valley, UT. 20 February 2024.
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Apart from the fact that Deer Valley is flying the new Utah state flag before it is formally authorized (March 2024), it is distressing to see this divisive, woke monstrosity flying at all. Kudos to those running a petition drive to have the upsetting ersatz Utah banner repealed altogether. Like Josef Stalin, the poster boy for erasing history in photographs, Utah State Senator Dan McCay, engineered a new ensign of woke, socialist "inclusiveness" to erase the old banner representing the pioneer grit that made Utah the high achieving state it is today. Never mind that Governor he/him Cox, recognizing the divisiveness of the new false flag, issued an executive order that the old flag should be flown beside the new one on state holidays. He/him Cox's sop is not enough. The offensive new flag must be retired.

Above: Primary Children's Hospital. Salt Lake City, UT. 21 February 2024.

Drums undergoes emergency surgery to drain infected thyroid arising from a congenital thyroid birth defect. Procedure went well. Doctors will determine within a month how to insure non recurrence... eg. cauterize the thyroid discontinuity, thyroidectomy etc. Bishop and Portland (sister-in-law, Koessler's wife) in attendance to give FeeBee moral support. B1b, arrived late from Florida to spend the night in the hospital with Drums. Mwah (sic) drove FeeBee home after B1b arrived. TIMDT drove up from Ivins (300 miles) today (against my advice) to be nearer to her banged up family: Mwah, with sore calf; Koessler with broken collar bone; and Drums, neck surgery. I say against my advice because it's a long drive for TIMDT with her compromised lung condition. She weathered the trip well, however. The Pope (our house guest) and Mwah (sic) met TIMDT at Cheesecake Factory in Murray. She was pretty tired after the long drive, so, after dinner at Cheescake, The Pope drove her home to Park City, and I went to Primary Children's Hospital to be with Drums, FeeBee and Portland... and later B1b.

Above: Deer Valley, UT. 22 February 2024.
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The Pope, forty-year friend from Citibank days and regular Park City ski guest, poses on Sunrise ski run with Bald Mountain as a backdrop.

Above: Deer Valley. Snow Park Lodge. 23 February 2024.
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Bishop, Guzzi, and 'Cake.

Above: Glynda and Mynduveroan. World Equestrian Center. Ocala, Florida. 23 February 2024.

Image by Gerry, Mynduveroan's paternal grandfather. B1b left early from Florida to be with son Drums post-surgery recovery. Paternal grandparents, Gerry and Mary, drive up from Sarasota to ably fill the chaperone gap with Mynduveroan and fellow horse-riding friend, Eliana.

Above: Post haircut at Dara's. Holladay, UT. 24 February 2024.

Beard and hair trimmings.

Above: Tucker, B1b and Drums. Round Valley. Park City, UT 24 February 2024.

Drums looking good post-surgery. Surgical scar can be seen on neck.



sorry about the little ski mishap. hopefully, you'll fully recover quickly.

had a friend slipped in the parking lot at snowbird. landed on her arm--shattered a couple of bones. operation, pins, etc. And . . . . it happened before she even had a chance to ski!

enjoy looking at the pics.

tax season at our end. but i'm so old, even those three months will zoom right by.

Taylorsville, UT


Sorry for your pulled muscle but really good to see you and the pictures. Park City is a special place and I miss it.

Pasadena, CA

Nasty looking blowout…and I mean the tire.

Park City, UT

Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Ibuprofen helps!

Miami, FL


Ouch! Hope you found your Ibuprofen and listen to your wise wife.

Hatch, UT

Hi Steve,

Sorry about that pulled muscle, and I hope it won't take 2 weeks to get you back on the slopes.

Am currently at the Periyar National Park in Kerala, searching for tigers, elephants and other wild life. No luck so far. Heading fir Kochin tomorrow, then Backwaters and Kovalam.

I saw Devi in Bangalore, and she says Hi, and I will stop in Delhi on my return to visit with some non-Citi friends. Then home on the 26th.

Am currently scheduled to be in Park City April 8 to 26 and hope to ski with you and see you and Margaret while there. May come earlier if I can.

Are you two still thinking of going to India in April? Wishing you and Margaret all the best, your buddy.

Washington, D.C.

I'm going to try to ski tomorrow. We're back to likely going to India to join jake and his family. April 1 to April 17. Looks like will be here for the latter third of your visit. There may be some resorts that stay open thru end april. have fun. tigers are hard to see, even at the best places, like Ranthambore.

Dear Steve,

Take Care and feel better.

Gurgaon, India


Sorry. Been there done that.

Palo Alto, CA

Hope your calf recovers quickly.

Drummer Jay,
Lehi, UT

Didn't think you could wait 2 weeks, but don't overdo it! Have a great trip to India, and give my best to Margaret,

Washington, DC.