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Picto Diary - 16 to 27 August 2021 - Transitions

Above: Joe and Jan Rush. 2020. Laguna Beach, CA

Joe died on 11 August 21. Joe was a motorcycle buddy for most of the first decade of the 2000's. Top of mind ride memories: riding in heavy winds from Las Cruces, NM to El Paso, TX.; four hundred mile loop, just Joe and me, from Auburn, CA that took in Alturas, CA and Pyramid lake; trying to keep up with Joe and Elk as they raced down US 95 between Grangeville, ID and Riggins, ID; watching humpback whales in Guerrero Negro, Mexico lagoon... and many more great ride memories. Joe and Jan ably ran a B and B, Angel House Inn, in Park City, UT from the late '90's to 2009.

Above: Park City, UT. 21 August 2021.

Good morning. Smohhh-key! Can Utah sue California for negligence in forest mismanagement? Notwithstanding the pretty image!

A little bit of Japanese wood block print in this image?

Above: LSDM - 21 August 2021 Wasatch Bagel. Park City, UT.
The Actuary
Topic du Jour Victor Harold Berriochoa. Over last ten years LSDM walkers encountered Mr. Berriochoa several times as we walked past his red house, and matching color '90's vintage Ford F350 pick-up truck on upper Woodside Avenue. Vic seemed peppy in his mid-80's. When we last visited with him, six or so months ago, he said he had slowed down and that his son came up to Park City, from Salt Lake City, once a week, to see to his needs... groceries etc. Each time we LSDM walkers encountered Vic he spiffily dressed in pressed jeans, a western belt, and a freshly pressed, long sleeve collard shirt. He was svelte in build and the way he wore his clothes made him look disproportionately cool for his age (see the image on the obit). Vic didn't know he was setting an example when we met with him... that being you don't need to toss dress standards out the window just because you are getting old. LSDM walkers were glad to have known Vic as a low profile Park City original in a community where Vic types (former miners and engineers) had all but disappeared. Vic's Woodside house is worth a few bucks. He may not have known when he bought it fifty years ago that he'd be passing on a substantial financial legacy to his kids. Via con Dios, Vic!

Above: Peggy Stahlnaker. Died 21 August 2021. Imboden, AR.

TIMDT's older sister died of circulatory complications. Struggled much in life. Always upbeat. Mothered, by first husband Burl Stahlnaker, two terrific daughters who produced four grandchildren. I always enjoyed being with Peggy (husband Burl too, a machinist and a Baptist preacher... he died in the late 1970's).

TWO3 (LSDM Walker) with Bill Silliman. Park Silly Sunday Market. 22 August 2021.
We were drawn to Bill's exhibit by wonderful images of Old Town taken, the same vista, in each of four seasons. Bill was from North Dakota. He worked his career as a pharmacist and is now, retired, with his photo hobby, in Park City.

Park Silly Sunday Market.

Above: Rainbow. Iron Canyon, Park City, UT. 25 August 2021.

Above: Bishop and Foothill LDS Ward Deacons Quorum. Park City, UT. 25 August 2021.
Bishop gives boys overview of motorcycling.

Above: Sprinter and Trailer. Park City, UT. 27 August 2021.

Loaded and locked?



This is so cool…actually, really cool! It’s such fun to follow Phin’s musical development and budding career. I’m happy for you and Margaret that you can attend these great events and enjoy this special time with your grandson and his buddy’s. For us, it was basketball games, but how well I remember the thrill of seeing your child perform. Enjoy it fully!

Warmest Regards,
Miami, FL

Looks like a great time was had!

Drummer J,
Lehi, UT