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Picto Diary - 17, 18, 19 January 2020 - Christopher Waltz

Above: Iron Canyon cul de sac. Park City, UT. 17 January 2019.

Big snow ongoing. The Actuary called me early while I was at Wasatch Bagel and said DV had no power. I decided to bag the skiing. Had a lot of stuff to do at my home office..

(26) Snow Park, DV Lot 1. Deer Valley. 19 January 2020.

This weekend, like an HOV lane. Need three in the vehicle to park here. I did what they wanted. Took 'Cake and KAT from Wasatch Bagel over here. I fully understand DV management's efforts to increase their bottom line, particularly considering the nut they (Altera) bit off when they bought the place

Above: Kite skiing. Promentory, Summit County, UT. 18 January 2020.

Above: Wasatch Range. Nordstrom Café. Salt Lake City, UT. 18 January 2020.

High On a Mountain Top, A Banner Is Unfurled.

Above: (27) Empire Lodge. Office view. Deer Valley. 19 January 2019.

Advanced run skiing today: Tycoon, Reward, Stein's Way, Orion, Magnet (2x).

Mountain anecdotes 19 January 2020:

Christopher Waltz: I really enjoyed my discussion with KAT this AM at Wasatch Bagel on Quentin Tarantino's films. We both agreed that Christopher Waltz's performance as "the Jew Hunter," in "Inglorious Basterds," was one of the best all time movie acting performances ever. Waltz received a "Best Supporting Actor" Academy Award (deservedly so) for that role. KAT also convinced me to finish watching Tarantino's "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" after I told him I dropped of to sleep after watching the first third of the film. The denouement of the film, said KAT, contains a backlash against progressive, PC values worth seeing. I've been pleased to see some members of the Hollywood establishment recently expose Hollywood's elitist, hypocritical grain: Ricky Gervais, Vince Vaughn, and Dave Chappelle to name three.

Stihl and Golf. Met up with them on Sultan lift. Learned that Golf and Julie Benz cut short their Tahiti trip because Golf couldn't stand missing the good DV snow. Also learned that Bogner doesn't have Tall sizing in its ski parkas.

Chair hogs. Joined, as a single, a sixty something couple on Wasatch lift. "On your left," I said to the guy hogging the 1 and 2 (of 4) seats on the chair. As we mounted the chair the woman said, "you can only ride up with is if you don't put the safety bar down." I replied, "Sir, Maam (desperately hoping she was a radical feminist), I'm very pleased to have you join me on this chair. I don't mind your company at all." Though I don't ever initiate safety bar use, I was thinking of raising it to prove a point. No one has the right to prohibit use of a safety bar. I didn't raise the bar. No one talked the remainder of the lift ride.

LDS missionaries in Russian jail. Red Cloud lift. Grandpa who divides time between San Juan Capistrano, CA and Midway, UT recounted how he was spearheading an effort to have his LDS missionary grandson sent home early from his mission in Russia. Two other LDS missionaries have been in a Russian jail for two weeks now, supposedly having been accused of proselytizing improprieties. A month ago an American Jehovah's Witness missionary was sentenced to seven years prison for proselytizing infractions. The young man refuses to abandon his mission...he wants to see it out to the months from now. Mom and Dad...and Grandpa...could override the young man's decision, but they have decided to abide by his wishes. Grandpa was amazed that the LDS were on the point of building a temple in Russia. I said, "better audacity than retreat!" Grandpa liked my reply.

Power to weight ratio. Carpenter lift. Talking about skiing with a forty something, Bay Area insurance guy, I mentioned that my ski performance had really ramped up after having lost forty pounds. "That's because your power to weight ratio has moved in your favor," the guy said. I liked that expression. It's a good, short explanation of why my skiing has improved. I wonder at what weight the ratio peaks out should I continue losing weight.



I should forward this on to the Tabernacle Choir.

The Monk,
Salina, UT

Happy to hear that the diet is doing so well - possibly only possibly you may be able to stay up with me on the ski runs now 👻😊🏍

Mr. Z3,
Oxnard, CA