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Picto Diary - 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 February 2021 - TIMDT Master Knitter.

Above: Ski App and PGA. Empire Lodge, Deer Valley, UT. 20 February 2020.

63 13 786 (7)

Skied with PGA. Fourth day in a row of impeccable snow. 2x Peeler. Snow smooth as satin.

IMAGE 1: PGA's ski app shows our skiing route, starting at Snow Park Lodge and ending at 10:30 AM break at Empire Lodge.

IMAGE 2: PGA at Empire Lodge break. Bishop continues to be blessed by companions having superior ski ability who are still willing to ski with him.

REFLECTIONS FROM THE LIFT: If 80% of the US population has been infected with Coronavirus, most asymptomatically, why the push to get everyone vaccinated?

No entry 21 February 2020

Above: I-80 Westbound, Parley's Canyon, UT. 22 February 2021


No entry 23 February 2021

Above: Empire Lodge West Room view. Deer Valley, UT. 24 February 2021

64 11 797 (7)

Image from Empire Lodge west room.

Bitter cold! Foggy. Light snow falling. But, hey, we're experienced skiers! Skied with 'Cake. Had a fog/vertigo related fall on Supreme. No biggie.
— at Deer Valley Resort.

Above: Freddie. Midway, UT. 24 February 2021.

Above: Mynduveroan. Midway, UT. 24 February 2021.
Horse girl (riding Baloo) schooled by instructor (seated).

"He was more energetically with you today than normal!"

After her lesson, horse girl had agreed to take bandages off her friends horse and give the horse a short walk. When she led her friend's horse out of the corral, her own horse, Baloo, watching from nearby, in a fit of jealousy, started kicking the corral gate!
— in Midway, Utah.

Above: Bobcat, Iron Canyon residence. Park City, UT. 25 February 2021.

Neighbor's image... neighbor's house.

Above: Deer Valley, UT. 26 February 2021

65 16 813 (7)

Image: Crown Point lift from Bald Mountain's Reward ski run. Image looks due north. The section of reward beyond the crest in the image is among the steepest sections at Deer Valley.

Top 10 day YTD with rare mega grooming, covered with two inches of new champagne powder, on super steep, 1600 foot vertical drop, east side of Bald Mountain. East Bald runs skied by Mwah (sic) included:

Stein's Way
Orient Express
Free Thinker

Because of steep, long descents it was a high calorie burning morning. At a guesstimated 1300 vertical feet per lift, I skied close to 21 thousand vertical feet before leaving the resort at 12:30 PM

I took my normal coffee break late at 10:45 AM at Empire lodge. Pre break the lighting was good. Post break it was 3 of 10.

REFLECTIONS FROM THE LIFT: Delaware sixty something guy, who winters in Park City, lauds Deer Valley's effort in running the resort this season. I agreed, but, noted that it was unfortunate that onerous lift, masking and restaurant protocols were mostly unnecessary, radically disproportionate to the real risk of disease transmission. That said, I said that I understand that DV had to operate within the framework of county health guidelines... and, considering the hand they were dealt they have done a marvelous job.

Above: Two Ducs in a row. Park City, UT. 26 February 2021.

On right: 2021 Multistrada V4. Signed, sealed, delivered.

Above: TIMDT. Tuscany Restaurant. Holliday, Utah. 26 February 2020.
TIMDT'S shawl (Stephen West pattern), knit by "elle meme," garners complements from wait staff and customers alike.

TIMDT. Master knitter...zee best!
— with Margaret Taylor at Tuscany SLC.


When it comes to perspectives regarding our nation's best interests I defer to our Founding Father's principles. I unreservedly believe that they were brighter, wiser, more inspired, less propagandized, and better educated than we are today. Their priorities seem to include liberty, small local government, right to self defense, equal opportunity (not equal outcomes), national security, free markets as the best path to prosperity, safeguarding religious freedom and freedom of speech, right to life, and so forth. These should be our unifying values in my view.

Drummer j,
Lehi, UT.