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Picto Diary - 20 May 2018 - Bob Peterson

Above: Bishop wears Bob Peterson's Southern Pacific Railroad cap. 20 May 2018. Oaktree Restaurant, Ashland, OR.

Cap hangs permanently on pillar hook in the restaurant.

Waitress Laurie has been at Oak Tree the whole 10 years or so I've been coming here. She's the keeper of Bob's flame.

Bob, a ROMEO regular at Oak Tree, died three years ago at age 93. For four or five years running I would join him at the Oak Tree lunch counter a coupla mornings a year for breakfast.

WWII vet. Army Corps of Engineers. Did road work in Iran! Patriot. Deplorable. Life long employee of Southern Pacific Railroad in Southern Oregon. Oh the stories about the old days that Bob would tell.

Paying homage to Bob Peterson today. Missing Bob Peterson today.

Above: Duc looks at Mr. Hood. US 97. Grass Valley, OR cemetery. 20 May 2018.

The only plus, riding the three hundred mile segment from north of Klamath Falls to the Columbia River, is the sight of the Cascade volcanoes appearing periodically to rider's left (west) along the route.

Bend is interesting, if you spend some time there... which I didn't. I stopped for a quick sandwich and refuel then sped on. I could see Mt. Bachelor to the west.

Otherwise US 97 is a pretty straight, north to south, two lane highway going over 4000 foot elevation plateau country. No curves to heighten the mystery of riding.

Above: Lunch counter. Chevron Convenience Store/Restaurant. Biggs Junction (US 97 and I 84), Oregon.

Above: Touchet friends. Touchet, WA. 20 May 2019.

Biggs, OR to Touchet, WA. 130 miles.

Total miles today: 450.

From Biggs, wonderful motorcycle riding segment (in contrast to the US 97 segment of the AM and early afternoon).

Wind at back riding east on I-84. Duc 80 mph through Columbia River gorge. Duc rumble-hum sweet sound.

Barges, docks, and grain elevators symbolize commerce and industry.

Three dams' spillways spew Spring spray snow melt. UP trains snake in Oregon side; BNs on Washington side. Cirrus south...Cumulous north.

US 730 angles northeast from the interstate to follow Columbia River bend to the north. Umatilla, OR. Time and again, Duc overtakes the timid on two lane US 730.

Pick up US 12 eastbound after crossing into Washington. I think about US 12's iconic spots further down the road. Lewiston, Kooskia, Lolo Pass, Missoula. Channeling Lewis and Clark in reverse as I ride!

But now, Touchet, WA. US 12.

Good friends. Reality people. Contributors. Hosts: John Galt and Dagny Taggart. 4H to WSU. Earps become DUNNING.

Pork slice and spicy mustard, Jack, Sangiovese, Black Cod, asparagus fresh from the garden, brown rice.

Eating good in the Touchet neighborhood.

Heaven on earth.

Above: Sunset. Touchet, WA. 20 September 2018.

Image captured from pool deck of Galt/Taggart home after well hosted, well catered evening.


Hi Steve:

Followed all of your adventures with considerable interest. Very enjoyable.

Denver, CO


Great photos, beautiful grandchildren.

Miami, FL

Good picture of Aunt Joyce and you.

Thanks for sharing.

Best regards,

Phoenix, AZ