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Picto Diary - 20 October 2019 - Jimmy Lai

Above: Jimmy Lai and Peter Robinson. Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA. 20 October 2019 (Bishop's image).

TIMDT and The Bishop were in attendance.

One excerpt of Jimmy Lai's remarks paraphrased by me: "Donald Trump is the best American president as it pertains to China. He knows how to deal with gangsters."

Tom Gilligan, executive head of Hoover, in post speech statement (paraphrasing): "That was like watching John Adams speak in real time."

As LeBron James extols the Chinese government and disses the Hong Kong protesters... as King of the Transnationals, Robert Iger remains mum about the values of freedom in the wake of the Hong Kong freedom protests.... it takes a Hong Kong Chinese to remind America that tyranny is never that far away....

Watch this!

Recorded on October 20, 2019.
In this special edition of Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson, recorded in front of a live audience at the Hoover Institution, Peter interviews Jimmy Lai, an entrepreneur and a leader in the fight to preserve democracy in Hong Kong. Lai describes the struggles he has endured, including having his home fire-bombed, his family harassed, and his business threatened by the Chinese Communist Party. They also discuss the Trump administration's response to the Hong Kong protest movement, how the NBA and other American businesses are finding themselves in an awkward position navigating between their business interests and their politics, and what Lai believes to be China’s ultimate goal: to make Hong Kong just another city in Communist China. Finally, Lai asks Americans to keep Hong Kong at the forefront of their thoughts and not to give up on its citizens. (Hoover Institution blurb)

Above: Popover. Neiman Marcus. Stanford Mall, Palo Alto, CA. 20 October 2019.
Er... uh.... I made this an exception to my ongoing no carb eating regimin. Am I bad? The crab cake salad that went with it was excellent.