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Picto Diary - 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 June 2016 - Pleistocene?

Above: Bishop, Patty, and Buddy Rich. 22 June 2016.
BR and Mwah (sic) killed some time at the Canyons Village farmers market. Ran into long time friend, Patty.

First day in Park City back from Alaska.

Already back in to "Bloodline" and "Game of Thrones." Cersie Lannister or Daenerys Stormborn? Showdown coming soon.

Above: Newly detailed F350 and yellow rose bush chez noo (sic). Park City, UT. 23 June 2016.

24 June 2016. No image. Barn walk with TIMDT, 'Cake, and Maui. Frozen burritos for dinner. Episodes of Game of Thrones and Bloodline.

Above: Bishop observes tree, with sign prohibiting climbing, at Oglethorpe barn. Park City, UT 25 June 2016.

Perfectly good climbing tree. We would have been all over it as kids when we were growing up. Climbing of this tree, on a property owned by Park City Municipal Corporation, is prohibited due city's concerns about liability.

Times have changed. Tree is a metaphor for conditions, generally, today. Freedom diminishes as government power accretes.

Maybe its necessary. Just sayin'.

Image 1. Iron Canyon subdivision, Park City, UT. 26 June 2016.

AM walk with TIMDT.

Above: Ancient formations from the Pleistocene. Park City, UT. 26 June 2016.

AM walk with TIMDT.

Above: "Conspiracies of the Ruling Class. How to Break Their Grip Forever" by Lawrence B. Lindsey. Simon and Schuster

I completed reading this book today, 26 June 2016.

A brilliant ready reference handbook for those who understand that America falters today because of the perfidy, guile, greed and power hungry selfishness of members of both parties who form America's ruling class.

Lindsey says:

The Ruling Class have failed in reducing Inequality

The Ruling Class have mismanaged America's finances

The Ruling Class have earned an "F" in education

America's infrastructure is rumbling under the Ruling Class

The Ruling Class threatens America's Second Amendment

The Ruling Class has eroded property rights in America.

Notwithstanding, Lindsey points out when polled, American's opt for liberty. Its just that elections are not framed in terms of liberty. The power hungry ruling class frames the debate in terms of grievance and false promises.

The author sets forth a plan to restore liberty in America: Philosophically populist and operationally libertarian.

America, he says, is a cause... not just a country.

Carry this book with you for an eloquent description of how America is being undermined by its Ruling Class and what can be done to reverse the decline.

It is apropos that my reading of this book has occurred simultaneous with Britain's own throwing off of the bureaucratic shackles of the Europe's own comparably failing, comparably unaccountable EU ruling class. Will American's do the same?

I've had numerous interactions with Larry Lindsey and respect him greatly as an economist. Larry Lindsey was one of the seven members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank when I attended as a member, four times a year, for two years during the early nineties, the Thrift Advisory Board meetings at the Federal Reserve Bank in Washington.

Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered: yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

Thomas Paine,
'The American Crisis,'
December 1776

Introductory quote in Lindsey's book.

Above: Buddy Rich. Drum solo. New Bop Big Band. Caleb Chapman Sound House. American Fork, UT. 27 June 2016.

Dress rehearsal concert for Bay Area concerts coming up next week.

Above: Colin Deford, TV technical producer (US Open etc.) speaks to La Societe Deux Magots (LSDM), Wasatch Bagel, Park City, UT. 28 June 2016.

Colin is running for Summit County Council. He believes his 5 years of service on the Summit County Planning Board and his technical expertise in orchestrating complex event logistics for TV could be applied to growing development and traffic issues in Park City and Summit County.

Above: LSDM walker, TWO3, stands on summer snow bank at Park City ski resort. 28 June 2016.

Not unlike Mwah (sic) walking on the Herbert Glacier, Juneau Ice Field ten days ago.


Above: Brother Dee. Now 9 grandchildren.

Announcing the birth of Peter and Annie's latest baby, a boy named Greyson. All went well and it is grandchild number eight for us. Nine years separate Peter and Annie's youngest boy Lincoln from Greyson. For the sake of statistics, Greyson weighed in at 6 lbs. 10 oz. and was 19 inches long.

Congratulations from TIMDT and Mwah (sic)!