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Picto Diary - 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 May 2017 -

(No entry 22 May 2017)

Above: Bishop and Kreg, owner Wasatch Bagel. Wasatch Bagel, Park City, UT. 23 May 2017.

Above: Poison Creek. Park City, UT. 23 May 2017.

Spring runoff.

Deux Magots walkers.

Above: TWO 3. Park Avenue. Park City, UT. 23 May 2017.

TWO3 tiptoes thru the tulips.

Park Avenue gets an A minus. Would have received an A but for the rusty grille on the front lawn of a home up the street.

Deux Magots walkers.

Above: Dandelions. Park Avenue. Park City, UT. 23 May 2017.

Beautiful flower? Weed? What is the difference?

Deux Magots walkers.

Above: TIMDT and cronies. Monreale, Palermo, Sicily. 24 May 2017.

Above: Sand Hill Cranes. White Barn open area. Park City, UT. 24 May 2017.

Deux Magots Walkers.

Above: Santa Caterina Cathedral. Palermo, Sicily. 24 May 2017.

TIMDT and cronies in Sicily.

Above: TIMDT and cronies. Segeste, Sicily. 25 May 2017.

Above: Duc out the window. Park Cafe. Salt Lake City, UT. 25 May 2017.

Power cut at home. 700 houses knocked out until projected 2:00 PM by errant back hoe operator.

Get on Duc and go to one of the list of touted restaurants in SLC where TIMDT would never go.

Near Liberty Park.

Lots of fellow deplorables, irredeemables, and bitter clingers here, so, unlike when I'm at gun banned Starbucks, I feel safe.

Hash fantastic!

Move over "Over The Counter?"

Above: Bishop eyes Rice-Eccles football stadium videotron, University of Utah. Salt Lake City, UT. 25 May 2017

Growing up in Provo with Dad a professor (later dean) at BYU, there was never a question of me going to college anywhere else but the "Y."

The notion of traveling around the country to visit prospective universities was not presented to me as an option by my parents.

In my day, 75% of BYU's students were from Utah. The "U," the "Y," and Utah State were the main university options for Utah high school graduates. Only a very few Utah high school graduates would go to college out of state back then (mid '60's).

To us "Y" students, the "U" was the spawn of Satan. "U" students drank beer, used bad language, and engaged in all night orgies.

Of course "Y" students conveniently overlooked the fact that their football star, All American, quarterback, Jim McMahon, was a member of the devil's church who, drank beer, used bad language, and engaged in all night orgies.

These days, the "Y" has a more international caste and is not so much Utah centered as it was in my time. It has become far more selective university. It has highly ranked, tech, law and business programs. A BYU accounting graduate has a virtual job guarantee at one of the "big four" US accounting firms.

The "U" still educates mostly Utah resident students... and does it well by showing nationally recognized excellence in many disciplines....medicine, law and English lit to name three.

The state of Utah more than pulls it weight as home of these two great schools.

Above: TIMDT and cronies. Taverna Capuona di Sicilia.
Segusta, Sicily. 25 May 2017.

Above: Bishop and Guzzi. Mineral Bowl Express ski lift. Snowbird. 26 May 2017.

My last day skiing this season.

Today wore myself out at the 'Bird skiing the wonderful corn snow between 9500 feet and 11K feet.

My season of 96 ski outings was accomplished in 7 different calendar months, starting in November 16 and ending in May 17.

Today's Snowbird outing was six weeks after Park City and Deer Valley had closed for the season. Being a die hard, with three post season days at the 'Bird under my belt, does wonders for the self esteem!

Above: Guzzi and Mark. Snowbird Aerial Tram Plaza. 26 May 2017.

Bishop hanging out with experts. Guzzi's 173rd day skiing this season. Mark skis on a "Ski Utah" Pass, which gives him up to 30 days a year at ANY Utah ski resort.

Guzzi skied with ever tiring and slowing Bishop today. Good guy. He might have given up two or three runs to ski at my pace.

Then again, Guzzi's been out 173 times. Bishop's "more reasoned pacing"' probably account for less than 0.01 percent of his total ski year. So, I don't feel too bad. Enjoyed the companionship.

I took a tumble near the bottom of Regulator (black) and slid a fair ways. One ski came off which was immediately brought to me by a skier coming from above.


PS. I was really worn out after two hours skiing. Skiing the corn requires considerable effort (at least compared to mid-winter groomers).. By the time I headed down Chip's, I was huffing and puffing and experiencing a lot of lactic pain in my legs.

Still, a great day. Thanks to Guzzi for looking after me!

Above: Kuh, Buh, and Shana. Over the Counter Cafe. 26 May 2017.
Fun lunch with brother and sister in law.

Cat's away and mouse capitalizes!

1. Eat at Over The Counter.
2. Put feet on coffee table with shoes on.
3. Wear T shirt day after slept in it.
4. Park Duc in her garage.
5. Eat pop corn in living room.
6. Turn up Bob Seger in living room.
7. Keep garage door open during day.

Still, I'd rather have TIMDT here effectively policing my ever mounting geezer faux pas.
— eating lunch with family at Over The Counter Cafe est. 1983.

Above: TIMDT at Agrigento, Sicily. 26 May 2017.

Valley of the Temples.

Above: Mosaic. Syracusa Theatro Greco. Syracuse, Sicily. 27 May 2017.

As seen by TIMDT in Syracuse.