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Picto Diary. 22,23,24 July 2020 - Finding Exeter

Above: Goya Black Beans. Amazon delivery. 22 July 2020

I can't get enough of these beans!

Above: Construction on Aerie. Park City, UT. 23 July 2020.

Escaping the Insanity Program
Deux Magots Walkers

Image: Construction atop Aerie. On lot next to home owned by Gordon Olchs before he passed away in 2018.

Six mile loop from Wasatch Bagel. Silver Star, PCMR, Sweeny Mountain flank, Norfolk Ave., King Road, Daly Canyon, Woodside, Park Ave back to Wasatch Bagel.

"Go to the woods to lose sight and memory of the crimes of your contemporaries." Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Above: "Frazier Shrugged," by Dr. Greg Frazier, World Motorcycle Adventurer. 24 July 2020.

Being somewhat of a motorcycle adventure rider wannabe, I was surprised, pleased and honored to be listed as a contributor (amongst some legitimate, top level motorcycle adventure riding luminaries) to Greg Frazier's latest book.

Greg, a true one of a kind. Greg, more than any other, has helped me see, and experience, beyond the boundaries of conventional motorcycling.

Get this book for a fascinating read.

Above: Indian Paint Brush, sage, and Russian Thistle on Rail Trail. Park City, UT. 24 July 2020.

Escaping the Insanity Program
Deux Magots Walkers

North 40 Loop. Clockwise. 4 miles. — at Rail Trail, Park City.

"Go to the woods and lose sight and memory of the crimes of your contemporaries." Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Above Motorcycle Museum, Lincoln Hotel.. Main Street. Helper, UT. 24 July 2020.

Escaping the Insanity Program
Out and about on the LT.

Fabulous vintage Harley Davidson museum in equally fabulous building restoration. HD vintage parts collection downstairs was amazing!

Image: Billy and Exeter

Helper going quirky! — with Hugh O'Neill at The Lincoln Hotel.

"Go to the woods and lose sight and memory of the crimes of your contemporaries." Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Above: Exeter. Martha's Sammich Shop. Helper, UT. 24 July 2020.

Escaping the Insanity Program.
Out and about on the LT

In search of Exeter. 260 mile round trip to Helper via 2005 BMW K1200 LT motorcycle.
Burger at Marsha's with Exeter, former LSDMer moved to Helper four years ago.
One of a kind, in the best way.
Merchant Marine
Transportation company
Maimed in auto/elk collision,
At 90% brain capacity, Exeter has a 99.9th percentile intellect.
Today. In search of Exeter and finding him. Kinda like Bishop finding the Oracle. Bishop listens and learns. — with Hugh O'Neill at Marsha's Sammich Shop-N-Bakery

To LSDM regulars.

Yesterday, former LSDM regular Hugh O'Neill and Mwah (sic) joined for lunch in Helper, where he moved to from Park City, four years ago. We have been able to stay connected via Facebook. Hugh. The only guy I ever knew that always knew more than I did about any random subject. He says he still reads voraciously. Hugh is a smoker. I was gratified, considering the emerging data tying lower rates of Coronavirus infection to smoking, that Hugh is looking after his health.

Helper is turning into funky town... or even quirky town. Several old building restorations, fabulously done, one with a fabulous motorcycle museum of old Harley Davidsons. The city's well known railroad museum is undergoing renovations. Beaucoup art galleries popping up.

The Clampers have a chapter (one of forty six, and the only one in Utah) in Helper. Clamper's premises in an old building on Main Street. Samuel Gompers, Mark Twain, and J.P. Morgan were Clampers. I was given an invite to attend one of their meetings. Seriously thinking about it.

Helper, a history of railroad and mining, built by immigrants from Greece and Italy. Vital Catholic parish there, where Hugh is an active member. Like Park City, Eureka, and Ogden, Helper is in Utah, but, not of it. Cool place.

I invited Hugh to "rejoin" LSDM in its new Zoom format. I hope he "visits" us occasionally.


"Go to the woods and lose sight and memory of the crimes of your contemporaries." Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Above: Bishop, Exeter and Billy at Clamper's Club. Helper, UT. 24 July 2020.

Escaping the Insanity Program
Out and about on the LT

Bishop, Exeter and Billy at Clamper's Club.

The Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus (ECV) is a fraternal organization dedicated to the preservation of the heritage of the American West, especially the history of the Mother Lode and gold mining regions of the area. There are chapters in California, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana and Outposts in other western states. Members call themselves "Clampers."

Helper is only Utah Chapter of the Clampers who have 46 total clubs. Samuel Gompers, J.P. Morgan and Mark Twain were Clampers.
— with Hugh O'Neill in Helper, Utah.

"Go to the woods and lose sight and memory of the crimes of your contemporaries." Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Above: Bamberger Monument. US 191. Carbon County, UT. 24 July 2020.

Escaping the Insanity Program
Out and about on the LT

In Search of Exeter.
Obscure monument for obscure Utah Governor?

Park City, Wolf Creek, Doo chaise Knee, Indian Canyon, Helper. Return, Indian Canyon, Duchesne, Strawberry Reservoir, Heber City, Park City. 265 miles.
— at Bamberger Monument.

"Go to the woods and lose sight and memory of the crimes of your contemporaries." Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Above: TIMDT, Friday, Z, Grrr, and Roy. Powhattan Courthouse, Powhattan, AR. 24 July 2020.

Escaping the Insanity Tour
In search of Great Granny.


Your reflections and questions on how to spend time, resources and life in our waning years are very germane. The answers may change at different times.

Pelham, NY

Hi Bishop Steve:

Good to see you out there with these posts, adhering to social distancing by going solo, joining our small segment of adventure seeking motorcyclists who "lone wolf" it :-)
"Dr. G"
Author/Journalist/General Motorcycle Wastrel
Yellowtail, Montana

Thanks for the note,
A couple of corrections on the speed limit
Montana did comply with Jimmy Carter's 55 mph speed limit. President Carter had put it in place to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. In Montana, though, since this was put into place as an energy savings measure, violation of it was not a moving violation or a speeding ticket. The highway patrol was given a bunch of $5 "Waste of a resource" citations to hand out. It was the same citation that you would receive for burning leaves. No prob. You could get 5 a day and think nothing of it. No points, no moving violations, no prob.

Both prior to and after this 55-mph restriction, Montana had no daytime speed limit on many of their major highways. The roads did have night time speed limits.
Speed limits were at the officer's discretion as to the conditions of the road and the condition of your vehicle. A 'vette doing 95 on a freeway in the middle of the day was fully legal. An old van doing the same thing would get a ticket for unsafe driving.

This is where the plot thickens. A young guy was pulled over and given a speeding ticket. He challenged it in court, saying that laws needed to be defined so as to be legal. He claimed that "officer's discretion" was simply an open door to official abuse. The courts found with the guy and vacated his speeding ticket.
We then received daytime speed limits on all Montana roads. No officer discretion allowed.

Duluth, MN

From the “For What It’s Worth” department. John Day of John Day Oregon was a fraternity brother of mine 1956- 1960. From the Day family that the town is named for. Possibly founders of the town. Don’t know.

Aspen, CO

Good luck on the Sprinter project, will be big FUN.

Santa Barbara, CA