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Picto Diary - 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 March 2013 - Spring Skiing/Cuba Feedback

(Cuba feedback in addendum)

Since returning from Cuba, I have resumed skiing. The weather has morphed from very cold with a bit of new snow on 23 March 2013, to, warmish, "spring skiing," on 28 March 2013.

Day 81. 23 March 2013. PCMR. Skied with Claim, Montage, John S.

Day 82. 24 March 2013. DV. Skied with TIMDT, Comic Mom and 1%.

Above: Overturned truck on the interchange connecting I-80 south with I-215 North.

It didn't take long for TIMDT and Mwah (sic) to get back into the old routine... ie. lunch at Fashion Place Cheescake Factory, a haircut, and a visit to see the grand kids and Portland.

Signs warn to slow down on this interchange curve, but, over the years we've seen several accidents here.

Day 83. 25 March 2013. PCMR. Skied with Claim.

Day 84. 26 March 2013. DV. Skied with TIMDT, Stockli and Comic Mom.

Day 85. 27 March 2013. PCMR. Skied with Claim, Dentist and Danny.

Above: Self portrait at Pioneer lift. PCMR.

Above: Danny and Claim.

Danny is a regular at PCMR. He grew up in Salem, OR and joined the ski racing scene at Batchelor as a teenager. Lured to Park City ten years ago, he started tending bar and ended up as a finish carpenter.

He usually skis alone before leaving to go to work around 10 AM (on week days... on weekends he skis longer). Claim and Mwah (sic) followed him today. He was skiing some professional Fischer slalom skis. Where he could, he made wide, sweeping, slalom, carving turns to enable us to keep up with him.

Danny is one of those guys who "know how to do stuff," and live by their wits... meanwhile he gets in 80 to 90 ski days in a year (since he was a pre-teen).

Danny is also a hard core adventure motorcycle rider.... heads to the back roads, single track and mountain goat trails with cronies, a beat up dirt bike and a sleeping bag.

In general... Danny's too fast a skier for me, but, it is real fun - and a real pleasure - to get to know better hard core, envelope pushing, adventure types... who "know how to do stuff," you know... the type of people you want around you when the mud hits the fan.

Guzzi tuned three pair of my skis when Mwah (sic) was in Cuba. I've skied the Kastle MX 88's since returning and with the new edges and wax they are fast, fast, fast.

I've been having fun, skiing the newly tuned MX 88's, passing Claim (who is a better skier than I am by far) on the flats, where gravity gives me a big advantage. Before the tuning - I'm lazy about tuning skis, and should do it more often - I couldn't keep up with Claim, on the flats.

Seeing me pass him on the flats, I wonder if Claim spends extra time waxing his skis every night?

Day 86. 28 March 2013. PCMR. Skied with Danny (one run, two lift rides) and Claim.

Spring skiing today. Last nights mush, smoothed over by the grooming machines, had hardened overnight.

First couple of runs today were on "very firm surface." Monitoring sun angle and run location, we picked the next nine runs and found perfect snow. Left the mountain at 11:45 AM (last run) and skied the slush.... carefully!

Above: Kings Crown run, PCMR.

It may be Spring, but, it'll take a while for these bumps to disappear. Around here, people bet on this type of thing. What is the date where no snow will be seen on this run. Want to try?


I am so pleased with your assessment and conclusions regarding Cuba....

It is a beautiful country, that is why it was called The Pearl of the Antilles. I miss it.....but will never go back. It is destroyed in comparison as to how I remember it. would be hard because of the family memories.

Miami, FL

Thank you so much, Steve. These are amazing!

Miami, FL


I have very much enjoyed reading your blog. Jim & I definitely plan to visit Cuba soon, and it's too bad the dates did not work for us to join the group. Thanks for your excellent photos & thoughtful commentary.

Williamstown, MA

You were missed!

Britten was not there to hear my statement as I handed over the keys to the motorcycle at the end of the trip.


please send the street cleaners here:)

Brand Man,
Venice, CA

Steve –

Wonderful Picto diary from Cuba !
Miriam and I enjoyed reading and viewing each Email.
And I especially enjoyed seeing all the old cars in running condition,
Someday, I’ll tell you about the experiences I had delivering some of these old beauties to Havana during the Batista regime (when I lived in Miami Beach).
I particularly enjoyed and appreciate your summary observations and comments.
Best regards,
Chief Rabbi, Belvedere, CA

Chief Rabbi, I look forward to hearing your car stories!