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Picto Diary - 23 - 31 January 2023 - Caleb Chapman Soundhouse 25th Anniversary Concert

Above: Mt. Timpanogas. 23 August 2023.

Image taken from US 89, Wasatch County, UT.

On the way to join TIMDT in Ivins. She has been dutifully accompanied, during my absence, by FeeBee and friend KK during my Antarctica sojourn.

Above: Home after twelve days separated from TIMDT. Ivins, UT. 23 August 2023.


Above: La Onda Carabina band. 25th Anniversary Caleb Chapman Soundhouse concert. Eccles Center, Salt Lake City, UT. 25 January 2023.

Caleb Chapman Soundhouse La Onda Carabina band has an excellent timbales drummer.

La Onda Carabina, and excellent timbales drummer, will participate in the Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Music Festival next month.

Oh... did I mention? Caleb Chapman is a genius!

Above: Crescent Super Band. Caleb Chapman Soundhouse 25th Anniversary Concert.
Eccles Center, Salt Lake City, UT. 25 January 2023.

Crescent Super Band. Caleb Chapman Soundhouse's top band. Drum duel between Drums, left, and Steve Smith, drummer Journey, right. Smith is considered one of the top twenty-five living drummers in the world. The four drummers of the two Soundhouse bands Max Headroom (rock) and Crescent Super Band (big band jazz) rotated to participate in this duel with Journey's Steve Smith. Drums is one of the two drummers with Max Headroom.

Oh... did I mention? Caleb Chapman is a genius!

Above: Crescent Super Band. Caleb Chapman Soundhouse 25th Anniversary Concert. Eccles Center, Salt Lake City, UT. 25 January 2023.

Drums at kit. David Paich, of Toto, at piano. Playing Toto's Africa. "I bless the rains down in Africa..."

Oh... did I mention? Caleb Chapman is a genius!

Above: Loveland Living Plant Aquarium, Draper, UT. 26 January 2023.

Standing in front of shark tank, founder/CEO Brent Anderson leads a special insiders tour for LSDM.

As much an American story of entrepreneurialism as the fabulous aquarium itself.

Hat tip: Daggett

Above: Bishop 'n Z Man. Deer Valley, 28 January 2023.

Image by Koestler.

Above: Bishop and Tal. LSDM. Wasatch Bagel, 31 January 2023.

Tal, of Atlanta, GA and Porto, Portugal and Bishop talk old motorcycle riding times, including the time when Bishop, riding Ducati Multistrada in western Colorado, Bishop's pants nearly ignited due to fire started by Bishop riding the rear brake pedal... as pointed out by sweep rider, Tal. Other topics. Real Real Estate projects in Montana... as allegory of fictional "Yellowstone."


Glad the pup wasn’t Freddie for under the seat. SDT inspiration for us geezers!
Jackson, WY

Wha...? Mwah...? I have to work hard to keep up with you! It wasn't Mwah (sic) who hired 25 guys to carry all his stuff to the summit of Kilimanjaro.

I hope you told the dog woman to hold the dog on her lap. Looks like a costly leak—hope you can find a good repair man with access to that beautiful African wood.
Salina, UT

Dog Woman squeezed both her dog and her bag under the seat in front of her... appropriately so. Floor will have to be sanded in the Spring.

Dear Steve, As I research the topic you brought up in your last email, I thought I would share the following with you:

The United States is one of the most socialist economies in the world. Most Americans would be surprised to hear this because we still lack a legitimate social security net, an equitable public education system, and even a basic assurance of healthcare for all. However, none of these protections equate with socialism. Socialism is a form of state organization in which the government regulates the production and distribution of select goods and services. From there, the government may decide to use its control to redistribute wealth throughout the economy. In countries like the UK, Australia, and France, socialist policies are used to help the people. They fund phenomenal public healthcare systems, outstanding education programs, and robust social safety nets. In the United States, socialist redistributive policies fund uncompetitive industries like commercial farming and coal mining.

Both varieties of socialism rely on the average taxpayer. However, while one form ploughs back wealth to the people more broadly, the other helps only a select few. This is no longer a matter of whether the United States practices socialism or not, it’s a matter of which type of socialism we are okay with.

Though this commentary was produced by "students", it reflects the texts found in multiple non-partisan essays. (Brown Political Review is Brown University’s entirely student-written and student-run, nonpartisan magazine for political journalism. Founded in 2012, BPR aims to bring high-quality reporting on regional, national and international politics to Brown, the Providence community and beyond.)

The discussions do suggest that the farmers and ranchers' support for DJT is enormously hypocritical!

Basalt, CO

I don't have a problem with the Brown students' explanation of the two types of Socialism. Both socialisms are dirigiste; neither prioritizes the constitution's principal charge to guarantee the inalienable rights of individuals. I don't get the last sentence about the farmers... seems to be a non sequitur.

"Seeing a strong LDS symbol overseas, such as this temple, helps me appreciate that LDS leaders have more to consider than just the US when dealing with government policy controversies."

Still, the LDS Church, when push comes to shove, whatever the cost, is going to have to stand up for its principles and doctrine or go the way of all the rest of apostate Christianity. For what doth a church profit if it gains the whole world at the expense of its soul? If you see the leadership start compromising basic doctrine and the content of revealed scripture - something I don't believe is going to happen - you'll know they've opted for the latter.

I am inclined to believe the church is presently in a sort of no-man's land, between heaven and hell, trying to juggle all manner of issues - for example gay rights, illegal alien issues and, yes, the international composition of today's membership - trying on the fringes to compromise what they think they can, thereby hoping to mute criticism and buying the church more time before all hell breaks loose, without actually compromising the critical essence of the Marvelous Work and a Wonder.

Still, I think they're whistling past the graveyard... The satanic evil afoot in the world, sooner or later, is going to focus on the essential message of the LDS Church - the declaration of the restoration of the true Church of Jesus Christ in the last days - "the only true and living church on the face of the whole earth" (D&C1:30) - how's that for a poke in the eye of Satan and his minions? - and they - we - are going to have to put up or shut up regarding the revealed substance of the Restoration.

Sandy, UT

Keeper response. Thanks, Tork.

L informs that " Re: the flags - the one with the yellow and white background is Nunavut and the one in red and white is Greenland."
Washington, D.C.