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Picto Diary - 23 August 2020 - Helper's Oracle

Above: Helper Shell below, Balance Rock, above. Helper, UT. 23 August 2020.

Deux Magots Walkers

Helper Shell, below Helper's most notable landmark, Balance Rock. From Harry S. Truman Walkway. Walking to Helper Shell (certified LSDM Wasatch Bagel Alternate), to meet Exeter, "The Oracle."

Today, from The Oracle, at The Helper Shell.

1. The narrative is more important than the truth in today's America.

2. Reading a good book? Take whatever makes sense to you and file away that which you don't comprehend for a later stage of life.

3. You don't have to know whether you chose your life's path or whether it was chosen for you. Either way you have to live with it.

4. Nietzsche says there's two kinds of people in the world: people who are destined for greatness like Walt Disney... and Hitler. Then there's the rest of us. He called us "the bungled and the botched." We get teased. We sometimes get close to greatness, but we never get there. We're the expendable masses.

5. "Real wisdom comes from a place of not knowing." Lao Tsu.

6. Acting is living truthfully under imaginary circumstances. — at Shell.

Above: Original Sprinter. Exeter looks on. River Walk, Helper, UT. 23 August 2020.

In Search of Authenticity Tour
Deux Magots Walkers

"The land is the appointed remedy for whatever is false and fantastic in our culture." Ralph Waldo Emerson — at Helper City River Parkway.

Above: St. Anthony of Padua Church and stained glass showing St. Anthony and Helper's Balance Rock. Helper, UT. 23 August 2020.

In Search of Authenticity Tour
Deux Magots Walkers
Sunday Mass. TIMDT and Exeter on church steps.
Enjoyable service. Serene mood. 35 congregants from toddler to 85.
Christian worship requires humility as the incomprehensibility of the infinite is confronted. A need for humility and devotion, I believe, is woven into our genetic structure. When that impulse is suppressed, humans become arrogant, overconfident, and self absorbed...all qualities that lead to hostility and conflict...qualities that prevent humans from optimal self fulfilment and self perfection. The Church provides institutional support to a faith community to show the humility required for human progress via devotion to Jesus Christ.
I was glad to share the worshipping experience today with the devotees of St. Anthony of Padua, Exeter, and TIMDT.
In 2008, I read Dinesh D'Souza's book, "What's So Great About Christianity." In his book, D'Souza acknowledged the decline of Christianity in the West, but chronicled the growth of Christianity in Africa, Latin America and Asia. D'Souza forecast that one day the tables would turn from western Christian churches missionizing Africans to African missionaries taking the Christian gospel to an increasingly secularized west. I saw something like that today. St. Anthony of Padua's priest was a Tanzanian.
"Go to the woods to lose sight and memory of the crimes of your contemporaries." Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Above: Lil' miner. Gallery window. Helper, UT. 23 August 2020.

In Search of Authenticity Tour
Deux Magots Walkers

Coal miner, in the day, starting young. Boys were used to inject explosives into small crevices and opening in the rock.

"Go to the woods to lose sight and memory of the crimes of your contemporaries." Jean-Jacques Rousseau — at Helper Art Workshops.

Above: J.C. Miles and his painting, "The Approach." Untitled Gallery, Helper, UT. 23 August 2020.

In Search of Authenticity Tour
Finding the Clampers, Exeter, and Art.
J.C. Miles at his studio. Art found. Bot this one, by the way. TIMDT wasn't going to let me buy it, until she met J.C. and heard his story. He's an acolyte of Helper art guru, David Dornan, who was a student of Alvin Gittens, who painted the portrait we have of my Mom in 1945.
"Go to the woods to lose sight and memory of the crimes of your contemporaries." Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Above: Balance Rock Restaurant. Main Street. Helper, UT. 23 August 2020.

In Search of Authenticity Tour
Finding the Clampers, Exeter, and Art.

Bishop: Breakfast is great here but I could never come as a regular. You don't open until 8:00 AM and I always eat at 7:00 AM.
Waitress (within earshot of all to hear): Well la tee dah. Do you think you are special? Do you think that the world revolves around you? There he is, folks...the man of the hour, Mr. Special! Wants us to open an hour earlier just for him!
Bishop adds another $5 to an already generous breakfast tip for Pushback of the Week Award.
Excellent breakfast place, by the way...that is, if you get up late.
Note: We were there for lunch, but I ordered my second breakfast of the day...the first being the egg and bacon burrito at the Helper Shell.