Picto Diary - 25, 26 2016 - Nebo
Above: TIMDT surveys Mt. Nebo in the distance. Deer Valley, Empire Lift summit. 25 February 2016.
Nebo: the furthest south and the tallest of the Wasatch peaks. From this spot, top of Empire lift, the Nebo is about 70 miles distant.
Above: The Bishop, TIMDT, FeeBee and Farmer. Ruby Lift. Deer Valley. 25 February 2016.
We saw FeeBee and Farmer skiing, by chance, and rode up the Ruby lift together.
Above: TIMDT observes the Raccoon House. Last Chance ski run. Deer Valley, UT. 25 February 2016.
She wanted to assure herself she knew where Raccoon House was so she could point it out to Grr, Z, and Roy when she skied with them next.
Above: TIMDT skis Big Stick, one of four double blues she accomplished today. Deer Valley, UT. 25 February 2016.
The others: Jordanelle, Peeler, and Orion. TIMDT is an accomplished upper intermediate skier. We mused together today how great it was to be able to enjoy skiing with one another. My favorite ski partner. Look at that form/stance!
Lunch: Both of us. Hot dog and sauerkraut at DV Snow Park Lodge.
Ski note: Skiing uncommonly good. Bluebird. No icy spots. Coolish, but not too cold. Snow not to soft... not to hard. Always had an edge if you wanted it.
(DV 56)
Above: Dennis Lockhart, President Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, speaks to La Societe Deux Magots (LSDM). Wasatch Bagel. Park City, UT. 26 February 2016.
Lockhart: Despite anemic fourth quarter 2015 growth, under 1%, 1st quarter 2016 growth should exceed 2%. Not great.. but solid (my notes... mistakes are mine)
Also in image, to Lockhart's left (suspenders), Drew Breakspear, Head, Financial Services Supervision and Regulation, state of Florida. Far left of image, white sweater, Mike Callen, a former Vice Chairman of Citigroup.
Above: From left: The Pope, Johan Palmstruch, LARE, 'Cake, and The Bishop. Crescent Lift. Park City Ski Area. 26 February 2016.
PC 57
Above: There was no official Park Citi ski event held this year.
Notwithstanding, some of the regulars showed up anyway.
From left. Mike Callen, Elaine Jorgensen, Dennis Lockhart, Dan Jorgensen, Vickie Callen, Drew Breakspear, Nancy Huntsman, Margaret Taylor, Steve Taylor, Mona Steen, Tore Steen.
Park Citi "locals," Tozers, Tuckers, and Bill Taylors, not in town.
Dinner hosted by Mike and Vickie Callen, Park City, UT. 26 February 2016.