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Picto Diary - 28, 29, 30 October 2018 - Sara... on Aunt Joyce

Above: Steve and Joyce. May, 2018.

Note from Sara Gilman


Mom passed away about 6pm this evening, Friday, October 26, 2018. She was in her 90th year--3 months past her 89th birthday.

Please share this news with the cousins.

She went into a steep decline on Monday, but held on until the family arrived. I arrived Wednesday. Paul and the girls drove up Thursday arriving about 6pm. Mom was able to meet her 6 month old great grandson, Oliver Gundersen from Oslo for the one and only time. We took some photos that Lizzy will treasure. Dan was the last to arrive a little past midnight last night, flying in from Boston. She greeted him, embraced him, told him she loved him, but very shortly after said "I can go now". It was a long and difficult night. She was very agitated and the meds we administered helped, but not completely. She often tried to get out of the hospice bed, saying 'let me go', as if she was going to get up and walk to the other side. It was very hard to see her gasping for breath. I'm not sure I like hospice---the nurses aren't there at night when you really need them to adjust the meds. The nights feel so long. The nurse arrived this afternoon with new meds to get her relaxed and peaceful, but of course that meant no more Mom as she was deeply medicated. From 3 to 6pm there was a gradual slowing of her breathing until her last breath. She doesn't look at all like the beautiful woman we knew. Just an empty fleshy shell. We are so relieved she is no longer suffering. Many tears have been shed. The family gathered round her bed and thanked God for such a wonderful mother and grandmother. I know if all her nieces and nephews had been there, they would have said the same.

In her personal history she wrote of her parents Elizabeth and Kenneth:

Their life together is a truly beautiful love story. Their early years together, farming and raising four girls was both difficult and lovely. My memory of them together is one of true, lasting love for each other. I loved being their child because it was so pleasant to be with them.

I think all the DeWitt girls benefited from this loving parentage, for all my aunts were good natured, kind, loving women. She was the last of this generation and now they are all reunited. I love all my cousins and I am so grateful for the wonderful heritage we share. Thank you all for your kind messages. Perhaps on her next birthday, July 9th, 2019, we can all meet in Utah and share memories.

With much love,
Sara Haws Gilman (and Cyd)
27 October 2018

Above: TIMDT. Bear River State Park. Evanston, WY. 28 October 2018.

Walking in Wyoming.

Above: Sunset. Lake Mountains. American Fork, UT. 29 November 2018.

Above: Park City Mountain. Park City, UT. 30 October 2018.

"Snowing" in Park City.


Steve- My deepest condolences on the passing of Aunt Joyce— It was fortunate that you and Margaret were able to spend time with her recently

I am glad to have had the opportunity to meet & spend time with Joyce on my visit with you to Ashland.

I know she enjoyed being active in the Shakespeare festival and the community and passed away peacefully

Marina del Rey, CA


My heartfelt condolences to you and Margaret for the loss of your Aunt Joyce. I’ve vicariously enjoyed your visits to her and that “other” Shakespeare festival. I felt a small connection as my late mother’s name is Joyce as well. So between us we have Joyce and reJoyce.

"A mountain and a river are good neighbors" Geo. Herbert 1633.

Bountiful, UT


So sorry to learn of Aunt Joyce’s passing. She was a great forum contributor and was always plotting with me to turn one or more of my war stories into a film script. I only regret not having gone to Ashland to meet her. She was so full of life and always ready for an exciting new challenge.

The Monk,
Gooseberry, UT

I am so sorry to hear about Aunt Joyce's passing. My prayers and condolences are with you and your family. I will miss Aunt Joyce on the forum. She was a wonderful balanced participant on the forum, who had an ability to clearly make her positions clear in a convincing and highly civil manner.


The Pope,
Naples, FL

Steve, thanks for keeping us informed about Joyce. I am sorry to hear of her passing. Joyce was a special woman. Made everyone feel like they were important and loved by her.

Richard V.
Mesa, AZ


May your memories of your aunt Joyce be your blessing.

San Angelo, TX

So sorry to hear of Aunt Joyce’s passing. She meant a lot to you. Treasure all those great memories.

LaDoc and LaPsy,
Los Angeles, CA

Please accept my deepest sympathies on her passing. I know she meant a lot to you.

Palm Beach, FL


I am so sorry to hear of Joyce’s passing. I have enjoyed reading your accounts of travels to Ashland and your visits with her. As Rafiki said to Simba in the Lion King, she "....lives on through you.” Your stories, experiences, and memories of her are part of her legacy. No doubt you will share her appreciation of theater with your grandkids, and so a little part of Aunt Joyce is carried forward. My sympathies to you and to Margaret.

Mrs. Driggs,
Promentory, UT

Sorry to hear about Aunt Joyce’s passing. Seemed to happen at a much faster pace. I know Phoebe is very disappointed she did not get a chance to visit but glad you and Mom made it out so she could hear about her great grand nieces and nephews. Hope you are well as I know you and Joyce had a great family bond that endured many years. I’ve been walking your old haunts here in Sydney and can only imagine what remains the same and what has changed over the years since you and your young family lived here. Life relentlessly moves on. Keep us in the loop regarding memorial services etc.
I’m heading to the SYD airport in a bit, Monday morning here,and should get back in town Monday midday there!

Park City, UT

I am saddened by the news of Joyce’s passing. I so enjoyed the wit and humor in her posts on the discussion group over the years. Wish I had been able to meet her. May she forever Rest In Peace.

Massapeaqua, NY


Sorry to hear of the passing of your Aunt Joyce. She was the same age as my mother. That era of people who knew what it was like to live through WWII is fast moving on.

I continue to appreciate your accounts of your travels. As you know I also love to travel, but have been confined this entire summer. I am now able to drive and go pretty much where I want to go.

I have my next appointment with the neurosurgeon in early December. At that meeting I am hoping to get clearance to ski and teach this winter. I hope to see you on the slopes this winter.

I have prepared a presentation which is an account of my accident and treatment. If that is something that might be of interest to the LSDM folks, I would enjoy presenting it to them. I am hoping to deliver it to Vail employees this winter in a training forum.

I have attached a copy for your review.

Best Regards,

Delhi PJs,
West Jordan, UT

Dear Steve,
We were all saddened to hear of Aunt Joyce's passing. Although we knew of her diagnosis, the news still came as a shock but, hopefully, her final days were peaceful. Aunt Joyce was such an important figure in your life and you will remember her fondly as will the many people who knew and loved her. She was a classy lady and even during her ill health still had time to remember Dick's 80th birthday which meant a lot to him.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the family.
With our deepest condolences,

Eton Mum, el Contador and boys
Devon, UK


Steve and I are so sorry to hear of Aunt Joyce’s passing. Lovely, spunky lady. Remember the dinner at our home with her. She had so much to share. Thinking of you guys.

Private Equity and Dragon Lady,
Hilton Head, SC

Dear Margaret, Dear Steve,

I am so sorry about aunt Joyce's passing. I know how much she meant to both of you! And everyone else who knew her, myself included for a few days at your house, was fortunate to have been in her presence.

She is in a better place now, and I am sure that she would want us to celebrate her life.

Hugs to both,

Washington, D.C.

So sorry to hear about the passing of Aunt Joyce. Always enjoyed her contributions to the forum. The Great Conveyor Belt of Life cranks on to the drop-off point for us all... Are you ready?

Salt Lake City, UT

So sorry for your loss, Steve. May all your memories bring you peace.

Salt Lake City, UT

I thought your Aunt was much younger and that your title “aunt” was one of affection and not relatedness.

Los Angeles, CA

Above: Spook and 25% of Ronan, MT Highschool Class of '55. 27 October 2018

Above: Spook. Ronan, MT. 28 October 2018

Wow, you only get 4,000 miles on the Duc’s tires? Is that normal?

Massapeaqua, NY

Abundance of caution. You can see that the last tire I rode 5000 miles. There might have been another 500 miles on the tire. I tend to take long trips. I wouldn't want to do a 2000 mile round trip on a tire with 3500 miles... so, I sometimes change the tire before it is really needed. I have had new tires mounted in distant locations... but, its time consuming... pain in the neck. Better to have a tire that will last out the trip.