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Picto Diary - 29, 30 April 2018 - Gilgal Blooms

Above: Gilgal Gardens. Salt Lake City, UT. 30 April 2018.

Gilgal blooms. I'm always drawn to this place. I visit Gilgal a half dozen times a year. Its a city park which is filled with unusual symbolic statuary associated with Mormonism, notably a sphinx with Joseph Smith's head. The original garden was designed and created by LDS businessman Thomas Battersby Child, Jr. (1888-1963).

A friend of mine runs a antiquities restoration business and has, over the years, done touch up jobs for Gilgal.

Gilgal appeals to my love of the obscure in Utah.

The impulse that drives me to Gilgal also takes me frequently to the corner monument of the State of Wyoming up Chalk Creek Road from Coalville, UT; to the Bamberger Monument, on US 191 between Duchesne, UT and Helper, UT, to Artesian Well Park, 8th South and Fifth East in Salt Lake City; and, The Spiral Jetty, Great Salt Lake, UT.

The impulse to visit and revisit the obscure, also takes me frequently to these Utah eating establishments.

Mom's Cafe, Salina, UT

Ray's Tavern, Green River, UT

Maddox, Brigham City, UT (a big operation... not so obscure for Utahns indigenous to Davis county area).

Shooting Star, Huntsville, UT

Groggs, Helper, UT


Curious minds want to know. We've had reports of travel, skiing accidents and the jazz life but no reports of any motorcycling. So the curious really want to know if you have throw in the leg over the saddle.

San Angelo, TX

Let's look for a window to rendezvous.

Hope I can catch Jay Lawrence Sextet this summer.

Dallas, TX

All here looking forward to seeing you.

Interesting Steve! I haven't read the book ["The Stranger"] yet and will add it to my long list!
Thanks! We are slowly moving things up and will be there full time shortly. Come see us. Love to you and all the family.

Island Park, ID

Not impossible that I'm near you on some motorcycle peregrination this summer. I'd love to see you both. I'll call if in the area.


Hi Stephen

You and I are in synchronization, as usual. I met last week with a Park City High School senior who is attending Lehigh University next year and is of French descent. We ended up speaking about L’Etranger and he took my recommendation to read it (in French vs English). It came up when I was teaching this student about how all the great words in English come from French words—and how you simply can’t read Camus in English and “get it” like when you read it in French.

We should have a meeting one day at Les Deux Magots to discuss it.

Park City, UT

You've given me an idea. Stay tuned.

Excellent book [The Stranger"]. Beg to differ on definition:
Existentialism – A Definition
Existentialism in the broader sense is a 20th century philosophy that is centered upon the analysis of existence and of the way humans find themselves existing in the world. The notion is that humans exist first and then each individual spends a lifetime changing their essence or nature.

In simpler terms, existentialism is a philosophy concerned with finding self and the meaning of life through free will, choice, and personal responsibility. The belief is that people are searching to find out who and what they are throughout life as they make choices based on their experiences, beliefs, and outlook. And personal choices become unique without the necessity of an objective form of truth. An existentialist believes that a person should be forced to choose and be responsible without the help of laws, ethnic rules, or traditions.

Existentialism – What It Is and Isn’t
Existentialism takes into consideration the underlying concepts:

Human free will
Human nature is chosen through life choices
A person is best when struggling against their individual nature, fighting for life
Decisions are not without stress and consequences
There are things that are not rational
Personal responsibility and discipline is crucial
Society is unnatural and its traditional religious and secular rules are arbitrary
Worldly desire is futile
Existentialism is broadly defined in a variety of concepts and there can be no one answer as to what it is, yet it does not support any of the following:
wealth, pleasure, or honor make the good life
social values and structure control the individual
accept what is and that is enough in life
science can and will make everything better
people are basically good but ruined by society or external forces
“I want my way, now!” or “It is not my fault!” mentality
There is a wide variety of philosophical, religious, and political ideologies that make up existentialism so there is no universal agreement in an arbitrary set of ideals and beliefs. Politics vary, but each seeks the most individual freedom for people within a society.

John Galt,
Walla Walla, WA

Uh... errr.... I just wanted to see if anyone was reading the definition .... cough.

Thanks. I read this book ['The Stranger"] when in my very early twenties. I am prompted by you to read it once again. Thanks. See you in a couple of weeks.

Atlanta, GA

Looking forward to seeing you.

Short memory

Jack Aroon,
Mahwah, NJ

I'd like to reread more books. One has a different take on literature read in high school when reading it having had the benefit of a life's experience. For "The Stranger," the books short length and easy availability at Barnes and Noble moved me off the dime. Books I'm thinking I'd like to reread include "Catch 22," "The Scarlet Letter," and U.S. Grant's autobiography.

"Aujourd'hui, maman est morte."

One of the best opening lines ever written.

Salt Lake City, UT
