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Picto Diary - 29,30 September 2020 - 2020 Presidential Endorsement

Following is my 2016 endorsement for Donald J. Trump to become president of the United States. Scroll for 2020 endorsement.

POLICY PRESCRIPTIONS. Ruling class leadership (as represented by HRC) has ruined America. Financial mismanagement (excessive debt, overspending, student loans, collapse of public schools, welfare policies leading to family disintegration, weakest recovery since WWII), middle class shrinkage, infrastructure decay, uncontrolled immigration, flaccid millennial generation, endless wars, and slipping personal freedom. America has lost its mojo. More big government solutions from HRC will lead to a continuation of US decline. Trump's program, by contrast, is pro US recovery and growth.

Resisting all advice to the contrary, Lincoln chose boozer U.S. Grant to lead Union forces failed by "proper general" leadership. "I don't care if he is a drunk," said Lincoln. "Send him a case of whiskey. He fights." Trump, an imperfect vessel, flights. In the face of incredible personal attacks, he doubles down to reassert his political positions. How refreshing he is in contrast to the weak, politically unprincipled, progressive fellow traveler, Pub nominees of recent past years. If Trump is Grant, then, certainly Romney is McClellan.

Trump conflates American culture with American greatness. His opponent diminishes American greatness in pursuit of a globalist effort tilted away from American workers towards emerging economies. Handmaid to globalism is radical secular government, which destroys culture eg. national identity. Without national identity, America ceases to be great. What replaces American culture? Look to culturally disintegrating France as a bellwether for the damage HRC's radical secularism inflicts on culture and religion.

SDT Endorsement for Donald Trump to be reelected President of the US in 2020.

If you vote for Biden/Harris you are choosing:

2nd Amendment curtailment.
An activist, even packed Supreme court, judiciary.
Higher taxes; reduced economic growth, middle class economic decline.
Increased, across the board, Fed regulation.
Reduced military spending.
Global trade agreements with NGO/UN supervision.
Coerced carbon suppression.
Stifling of domestic policing.
Redefinition of "love" to have zero restraints.

I believe the above direction to be wrong, as, among others, it diminishes individual freedom, slows prosperity and renders the nation weaker in the face of external threats. Accordingly, I will place my vote with Donald Trump who has done more to push the reciprocal of the above positions than any president since Ronald Reagan. Notwithstanding, I can respect the intellectual honesty of someone who openly adopts the above principles and vigorously defends them.

If a voter does not support the above principles, yet votes for Biden because issues with Trump's perceived style or character, then he/she truly falls into Lenin's category of being a useful idiot by voting against his/her own self interest.

Meanwhile, hunker down. At least it was good living at the apex.


Great observations my friend.

Drummer J,
Lehi, UT

So sorry to have missed you on the 28th! I was probably at the ranch but maybe the farm. Do you have both my phone numbers? Next time we meet I will tell the secret way to get your bike through the fence. Great photos and narrative. Take care.

The Monk,
Gooseberry, UT

Nice ride. thanks for sharing.

Hill Climb,
Columbia, South Carolina

Glad you had an enjoyable trip areas are familiar and reminds me of many fun times

Oxnard, CA