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Picto Diary - 29 September 2018 - El Contadore at 80

Sagardi Cocineros Vascos  Two nights ago, 27 September 2018, on late arrival from Bordeaux at the hotel (Orfila, Madrid, Spain), we were directed by the Orfila concierge to this Basque tapas place, five minutes walk from the hotel.  I make this entry because TIMDT was ecstatic with the fish, hake, that she consumed.  It is rare for TIMDT to rave about food.  The hake would be the start of a seafood extravaganza throughout our visit to Spain... even for the beef eating Bishop.

Above: Old Town Park City. Fall. 29 September 2018.

Cute yellow house, huh?

Hat tip: Long Beach (who likely didn't know he had captured an image important to to the Bishop and TIMDT).

Breakfast nook. Fantastic tromp l'oiel fresco renders the area as being larger than it really is. — at Relais & Chateaux Hotel Orfila. Madrid, Spain. 29 September 2018.

Relais & Chateaux Hotel Orfila.

September 28 at 11:18 AM · Madrid, Spain · 29 October 2018.

Button for bottom/lobby floor..."0" protrudes. Same elevator cabin configuration as first two (in France) hotels on this trip. I don't recall seeing this set up in European hotels before, though I haven't been travelling in Europe much over the last few years.
But, I understand its purpose. For Americans the ground floor is one...the first floor. For Europeans the ground floor is zero. The new distended button is to ensure Americans, increasing (because of the Trump economy) as a percentage of total European travelers, reach the ground floor on their first try.

Relais & Chateaux Hotel Orfila.

September 29 at 7:56 PM · Madrid, Spain ·
Bishop is in lobby awaiting TIMDT. Lazy day after arising at 10:30 AM. Jabbered with birthday boy, el Contadore, for a couple of hours, on array of stuff. Next, cocktails and "the real" birthday dinner, starting early, at 9:30 PM. Selfie image in mirror. TIMDT and Eton Mum out shopping most of the day.

Eating dinner and cocktails at Restaurante Zalacaín.

September 29 at 10:45 PM · Madrid, Spain.
Birthday boy, El Contadore, at 80, and TIMDT.

Iconic Madrid restaurant. One Michelin Star. Eatin' good in the neighborhood. This was the "real" birthday dinner. 25 or so guests including Madrid residents, former Spanish business partner and worldwide Arthur Anderson board member and his wife. Other attendees from the US and the UK. El Contadore's former Chicago secretary (and her married daughter), while he was at the top (Managing Partner) of one of the world's top accounting and consulting firms, Arthur Anderson, was present. Wonderful birthday celebration organized by devoted uber spouse Eton Mum. For 'Cake, across from me sat a former Chicago based partner of El Contador, now living with his wife and family in the UK, who is a die hard Chicago Cubs fan. He was wearing a Cubs tie (1!)... and, he knew baseball and the Cubs inside and out. Despite living in the UK, he has a steaming service that delivers to him all the games. Late evening Saturday games he can watch Sunday morning in the UK. Next to "Cubs" was Angela, a Edinburgh accountant, who TIMDT and Mwah (sic) met 8 or 9 years ago when we visited Edinburgh with Eton Mum and El Contadore. Angela is a world wise, animated woman who is great to be around in a conversation. She gave me some recommendations on what to do... where to go.... in Lisbon when we're there in November. Its good hanging out with Eton Mum's and el Contadore's friends! Seven course meal. My favorite was the sole. One of the better birthday dinners I'll ever go to. Grateful to be 20 year friends with Eton Mum and El Contadore. So many great trips together.... Scotland, Pacific Northwest, Spain (2x), Suez Canal, Egypt, Gulf, Dubois, WY, and more than I can't pinpoint right now. TIMDT and Eton Mum have been partners on several of TIMDT's girls trips. Together, even as we celebrate our friendship and el Contadore's milestone event, the girl contemplate yet another adventure. Did I tell you about the story when, riding in the F350 back to Park City from Dubois, el Contadore smoked a stogie and flavored up the truck interior and my clothing? I was deathly afraid that TIMDT, who said she would divorce me if I smoked cigars, would think that I had committed the original sin. In the end, I got away with it. She didn't detect the cigar smoke. Honest! I didn't smoke one (then). Only el Contadore did! We met Eton Mum and El Contadore via our friendship with The Prosecutor and The Litigator in Park City. Each has since passed from earthly life, but, each's presence here at El Contadore's 80th birthday dinner in Madrid was palpably sensed.


Two Deux Magots regulars, 'Cake and Kilimanjaro, visited the Mother Shipf, Cafe Deux Magots, in Paris, yesterday. While the primary purpose of their French sojurn was to visit Cafe Deux Magots, and, to recharge their intellectual energy from the ghosts of Camus, Hemingway, Sartre, Picasso and de Bourvoir, always present at Cafe Deux Magots, each of them decided, on a lark, to make a quick side trip to the Ryder Cup golf competition.

'Cake at Cafe Deux Magots, Paris, France. 28 September 2018.

Kilimanjaro at Cafe Deux Magots. Paris, France. 28 September 2018