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Picto Diary - 29 September 2019 - Sunday in Dublin

Above: Patrick Gilbeaud Restaurant. Dublin, Ireland. 28 September 2019.

Last night.

Michelin deux rosettes.
Eatin' good in the neighborhood.

Thank you millennials for this apex dining experience!

Keep those direct transfer Social Security payments coming. Your eleemosynary proclivities, despite your own personal struggles...student debt, minimum wage, yada, is unbelievable. That you are unlikely to receive future benefits from your ongoing SSS contributions makes your current sacrifice to prop up our geezer lifestyle all the more incredible.

In any case, it is good living at the apex!

It's just not right! Hey, look! Don't blame me! I'd shut it (SSS) down immediately! Ponzis are illegal. So, why is pinzi-like SSS allowed to continue its peculiarly puzzling pernicious practice? It's like a reverse Robin Hood. The US government takes from the poor - you - and gives to us geezers so we can enjoy the good life.

Don't tell me it's my money because I helped fund the system. Lyndon Johnson took my money and squandered it on the Great Society. He left a note...that's all. Money's gone. How to keep paying the geezers? I've got it! Let's make the millennials pay for it!

I say, help millennials! Kill SSS! Grandfather all SSS participants born 12 August 1945 or before.

I read a piece today where millennials believe they will die before they can stop working. Unless some deus ex machina swoops down from the heavens, they are right. It's hard to understand why millennials don't do something to take this yoke off their shoulders. Worse, politically, most millennials align with left oriented political movements, which movements support continuation of the pernicious SSS monster dragging them down.

Go figure.

Meanwhile, carpe diem! Deux plus! Thank-you millennials!!!

Above: St. Theresa's Church (Catholic). Dublin, Ireland 29 September 2019.

Out and about in Dublin.

High Mass.

Choir/organ/liturgy at highest level.

Luke 16: 19 to 31. Parable of rich man and Lazarus. Help the less fortunate. In the next life there is no chance for redemption from sins on this life. — at St. Teresa's Church Claredon Street Dublin 2.

Above: Grafton Street. Out and about in Dublin. 29 September 2019.

Out and about in Dublin.