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Picto Diary - 30 September 2018 - Segovia

Above: One of two leaning buildings. Peurto de Europa, completed in 1996. Madrid, Spain. 30 September 2018.

Image taken from a moving cab driving down Madrid's main drag, Paseo de la Castellana.

Post two days of El Contadore birthday celebrations in Madrid with twienty five people attending. TIMDT, Mwah (sic), Eton Mum and el Contadore are going on an excursion today to Segovia, thirty minutes from Madrid via high speed rail. We'll arrive in time for lunch at the famed Meson Candido, Castilian cuisine restaurant.

Above: Suckling pig. Specialty of the house. Meson Candido. Segovia, Spain. 30 September 2018.

Iconic Castilian restaurant situated right next to Roman Aqueduct. Our table, on the third floor of the restaurant, was against a window through which we could see the ancient Roman aqueduct just outside.

"Good food on the plate, good wine in the jug, sounds from guitars that awaken with a song, because Spain is for living, Castile is for wining, Segovia for feeling and Candido for eating." Pablo Neruda.

Many anecdotes surround the mythical Meson. In the 1960's, the Spanish journalist, Tico Medina, recounted in one of his articles how actor and director Orson Welles, famous for his excessive appetite, could eat in one sitting a bowl of beans from the farm and two roasted piglets accompanied by loaves of white bread, and several pitchers of wine.

Politicians, movie stars from Hollywood's Golden Era, including Cary Grant, Grace Kelly, Charlton Heston, Ava Gardner and Edward G. Robinson among others; European monarchs, and the Emperor of Japan have signed the Meson's Golden Book.

Above: Alberto Lopez, owner of Meson Candido. Meson Candido, Segovia, Spain. 30 September 2018

Alberto Lopez, owner, and son of founder of Meson de Candido, Candido Lopez, about to slice/chop suckling pig - the restaurant's signature dish - with plate in his right hand. The ceremony of cutting the pig with the plate was started by Alberto's father, Candido.

After breaking up the pig, Senor Lopez tossed the unbreakable plate - it made a loud clatter - on the tile floor.

Candido died in 1992, but his son Alberto and his grandchildren have continued to follow his legacy of serving the best traditional Castilian cuisine. Candido is one of Spain's most visited traditional restaurants.

Hat tip: Pic by Eton Mum using Bishop's smart phone.

Above: El Contadore, Eton Mum, and TIMDT at Segovia Roman Aqueduct. 30 September 2018.

Aqueduct is 2000 years old. 2500 feet long. 100 feet high. 118 arches. Made from 20K granite blocks without any mortar. Can still carry a steam of water.

The extensiveness and reach of the Roman Empire can be seen today via widespread Roman ruins throughout Europe.

TIMDT and Mwah (sic) have visited Roman sites in Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Bulgaria, France, Spain, Italy, and Great Britain.

Above: Bishop, Plaza Mayor. Segovia Cathedral. Segovia, Spain. 30 September 2018.

Following the visit to the cathedral (external visit... the interior was closed for repairs), we walked down to Segovia Castle and spent a few minutes walking around the castle grounds.

Above: El Jardin de Orfila by Mario Sandoval. Madrid, Spain. 30 September 2018.

One Michelin Star. Eatin' good in the neighborhood.

We are getting into the Spanish mode here with dinner starting at 9:30 PM. We'll take breakfast tomorrow at 10:30 AM.

Considering the last two days eating experiences, this trip is turning out to be a gastronomic Odyssey.