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Picto Diary - 8,9,10 December 2016

Above: OR expedition mittens. Good for today's 5 degree skiing. Park City Mountain 08 December 2016.



Miffed about me sitting in an idling F350 in the PCM parking lot in 5 degree temps, waiting for the resort to open, a guy came up to my window and told me to cut the engine. I told him the F350 was my mobile office, and that it was 5 degrees outside. "Welcome to Trump World, fat boy," he sneered.

Above: Kindergarten Christmas Progam. Carden Elementary School. Salt Lake City, UT. 09 December 2016.

Above: Z and Grr. Carden Elementary School, Kindergarten, Christmas program. Salt Lake City, UT. 09 December 2016.

Above: Bishop, TIMDT and Grr. Carden Elementary School - Kindergarten, Christmas program. Salt Lake City, UT. 09 December 2016.

Above: Wasatch Freestyle class. Deer Valley, UT. 10 December 2016. Bud is in the green pants and the orange helmet.


Above: 'Cake poses at Trump ski run. Deer Valley, UT. 10 December 2016.

Above: Golf, Stihl and One Liner. Cushings Cabin. Deer Valley, UT. 10 December 2016.

Above: Greensboro, Bud, 'Cake and PGA. Cushings Cabin. Deer
Valley, UT. 10 December 2016.

Bud: Hey Grandpa. You have any money for a snack?

Grandpa: Don't you have any money?...

Bud: I have a meal card for lunch, later.

Grandpa pulls his bills out of his pocket and Bud immediately pulls out a fiver.

Moments later Bud returns with a hot chocolate and a muffin.

Bud: Thanks grandpa. Here's your change!

Bud hands grandpa ten cents. All have a good laugh.

Above: Bud at keyboard. Corky's "O'Shucks" bar and grill gig.
10 December 2016.

Above: Bud at kit. Corky's "O'Shucks" bar and grill gig. 10 December 2016.


Hi Steve.
Hope you and your lot are all well.
We had snow in Tokyo late November first time in 75 years and the first time ever since records began that there has been over 1cm recorded in November.
Apologies but your Christmas cake will be a little late this year.
Oldest son Francis had a bad bike accident very close to home on 25th November when a car ran a stop sign in front of him.
Has been in intensive for 3 weeks but is improving.
Broken collar bone - 6 broken ribs - punctured lung - badly lacerated leg and severe kidney trauma and infection.
It also affected him mentally and he has been away with fairies a lot of the time.
Is improving now and hopefully will be home in the next few weeks.
Won't be much of a Christmas here!

Best wishes to all for a very Merry Christmas and a fulfilling New Year.

The Tokyo Mob
Tokyo (Ikebukruo), Japan

With his Grandad in happier times

Our hopes and prayers go to Francis. We wish him a very speedy recovery. Merry Christmas to the Tokyo Mob!