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Picto Diary - 9 to 18 June 2024 - Mojave Desert Turtle

Above: Provo River, Rock Cliff, Jordanelle State Park, Wasatch County, UT. 09 June 2024.
Out and about with TIMDT and Freddie. Looking up river and down river from midway on pedestrian bridge.

Above: Park City, UT. 12 June 2024.
LSDM Walkers.

Above: Marilyn Monroe painting at home of friend. Park City, UT. 12 June 2024.
This painting requires both a close up look and a gaze from far away.

Above: Ivins, Utah. 14 June 2024.
Good morning, 6:30 AM.

Above: Mojave Desert Turtle. Toe Trail. Ivins, UT. 14 June 2024.
LSDM Walker. I almost stepped on this little fellow who was in the middle of the trail.

Above: Southern Utah Heritage Choir, St. George, UT. 15 June 2024

Stars and Stripes Forever, Flag Day Concert.

Fabulous community choir singing patriotic music on Flag Day. Hat tip Kristen Cannon Brown. Rosanne Gibson Markham. Moving (as in lump in throat) tributes to Vets as service anthems are sung and Vets stand. Estimate 500 attendance tilting to geezers. Where are the young people? Choir members are mostly oldsters, but what a joy it must be to belong to an outstanding ensemble such as this in your golden years! First rate accompanists on organ and piano. Lottsa good foot pedal bass notes! Appropriate Flag Day talk by former Reagan White House aide Stephen Studdart. Bien fait all around!

Above: Freddie blocks pantry entry. Iron Canyon, Park City, UT. 16 June 2024.

Above: Fireweed. McCleod Creek Trail. Park City, UT. 17 June 2024.
LSDM Walker.

Above: "The Last Days of Night," by Graham Moore. 17 June 2024.

Inaugural meeting of "The Three Jacks Book Club," held today. Founder and organizer: Daggett. Eight participants present. I was asked to lead the discussion about this book, a historical novel chronicling the electrification of America and the inventors and business interests reaching for the prize. Event, chez Daggett, incorporated a dinner following the discussion. Kudos to Daggett for very successful inaugural effort.

Above: Wasatch Bagel. Park City, UT. 18 June 2024.
Car temp gage shows 34 degrees at 7:00 AM.
Rare, but not uncommon, temps for this time of year. I checked temps in Cody, WY, where I was last week, while noshing with PGA: 21 degrees!


Fun trip I remember many times you and I enjoyed this area immensely.
Palm Desert, CA

'Member waking up in Cody to three inches of snow on the motorcycle seats?

LOVE your photos!
Thought for today: Does the unreasonable hate exhibited by many Americans known as Trump Derangement Syndrome and the same unreasonable hate for all Jews have anything psychologically in common?
McKinney, TX


Wow ! Am I envious,

Brand Man, Ventura, CA

Note to late for another ride? Remember fondly the ride we did together from Phoenix to Monument Valley.