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Resentful Canadians on Facebook

Several Canadian "acquaintances" would regularly bash Trump and the US on Facebook. I started making comments to rebut. Of course, that's a no-no since most of these people were looking for echo chamber bias confirmation.

Eventually, these people would unfriend me in a final sendoff paroxysm of invective based insult. I guess they did that to show their bona-fides to their echo chamber Facebook cohorts.

For those Canadians that remained Facebook friends, I started firing anti Canadian rockets (posts). Such as...Canadians are often credited for being nice. This is really code for Canadians being submissive, weak willed, and chicken hearted. This has been the case since revolutionary times when their forebears, American colonists, felt comfortable under the tyrannical boot of George III, and withheld support for the revolutionary effort. Of course, when the revolutionaries prevailed, the royalists, ancestors of many of today's Canadians, hightailed it to miserable, freezing arctic climes reaffirming their submissive, candy ass natures, still a Canadian cultural marker today.

This weak-willed, chicken-hearted Canada character is manifest in their electoral choices...where they have made as their PM a fourteen-year-old girl in the body of a man.

In going after a milquetoast culture which piggy backs off of the accomplishments of The United States, offering nothing substantive (excepting Jordan Peterson, Mark Steyn, Conrad Black and Meghan Murphy) to world progress, some might see me as being unduly harsh. But reading anti American posts by weak, flaccid, dependent, submissive Canadians on my Facebook page was more than I could tolerate. I had to speak out. I had to be truthful.

When I see other resentful foreigners making anti US criticisms, I get the same reaction as I do about the loser, candy ass, lily livered, copycat, submissive, and pathetic Canadians.

I can only guess that it is jealousy that drives people to trash American greatness. Living 2nd, 3rd class lives in shit hole countries has to grate on them. All of them want to come to the US. Most of them can't get, living empty lives in cultures which have added little or no value to human progress, they become resentful of US success.

It's up to us, who live the American dream, to show compassion for those who missed the luck of the draw and now live in moral and/or economic squalor. We need to continue to invite these angry wretches into the US, teach them our ways, and, in that way, allow them to share in the American dream as we have been able to do. That is the story of America.

PS. Canucks did perform well at Vimi Ridge on 09 April 1917. The exception proves the rule.