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San Francisco Coffee Shortage

Starbucks To Close 7 San Francisco Stores Amid Crime Surge - The Political Insider

I can relate to the above linked article announcing the closure of seven downtown San Francisco Starbucks stores. About this time of year in 2019, I was staying at the Marriott Union Square hotel in San Francisco. At about 6:30 AM I left my hotel room to search for breakfast. I walked east on Sutter Street to the Sutter Street Cafe, but it was not yet open. I walked in the opposite direction, back past the Marriott, and found a Starbucks on the south side of the street. On the way, in the door fronts of two retail establishments, there were homeless people, still sleeping. I was reminded of the eighteen months I spent in Calcutta, India in 1972/73 where sleeping outdoors on the sidewalk seemed to be the fashion. It was still dark. There was a line of fifteen or so waiting for service at Starbucks. I hate lines. But, I had nowhere else to go, so, I decided to tough it out. I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind. I turned. A slight young woman - she might have been less than five feet in height - addressed me. "Sir, you need to watch that guy wearing the backpack ahead of you in line. He is a notorious pickpocket." I was careful to keep my distance from the nominated fellow, got my croissant and coffee, and returned to my hotel room. At the time I reflected on how living in the city required an individual to be on guard at all times. As I read the linked article above about Starbucks closing seven stores in downtown San Francisco I realized how much worse San Francisco's living conditions had become since I was last there four years ago and realized that being "on guard" might not be enough. Staying away would be a better course of action.