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Still DJT... for Now.

Setting electability aside (DJT's demise is not yet a foregone conclusion), the case for Trump in 2016 was, and still is today, to defibrillate a diseased nation in an advancing stage of moral, cultural and economic decline ie. to restore America's greatness. During his term as president, and notwithstanding inordinate headwinds stirred up by his venal opposition, DJT made a good start at that unfinished task. Why Trump and not some other Republican leader? Because the swamp swallows them all, save DJT. Only DJT, among Pub hopefuls, has unabashedly challenged head on those who have foisted a tsunami of economic idiocy and progressive dogma on Americans over the last three decades. That's why his opposition, who were pretty much OK with the oleaginous McCain and unprincipled Delecto, hates him so much... not because of his tweets, his narcissism, or his nastiness.

In today's America declining traditional family formation, rock bottom birth rates, and reduced church attendance are offset by rising crime, run away drug overdoses, increasing suicides and intractable labor shortages. Heavy handed Covid policies served to exacerbate these trends, evident for some time. Despite jobs going begging, the labor force participation rate for males 25 to 40 is 3x the average labor force participation rate, which is already down by nearly 2% compared to the Trump years. Erstwhile bedrock Constitutional principles such as free speech are threatened by progressives for whom Socialist false narrative trumps legitimate science and honest debate (Great Barrington anyone? FBI/DNC and big tech, fascist collusion)? Of course, the foregoing is a short list. America is not under the weather. She is sick. There is nothing positive happening to strengthen the idea of America today and that's a dangerous situation for the world. That's why defibrillation is required, not aspirin.

Lincoln chose Grant, a backwater lush, over the preening, conceited McLellan, to prosecute the Civil War. Lincoln: "I don't care if he's an alcoholic, send him a case of whiskey. Put him in charge. He fights!" DJT is not a backwater lush. He's a mean-spirited, nasty narcissist. But he loves his country, and, like US Grant, he fights. America is at a turning point. She needs an intervention. Right now, the only person with a credible track record in taking on the progressive leviathan head on is DJT.

I want to see a Pub primary fight to see if a candidate better than Trump emerges... and that's possible. Conditions change. That's why I'm holding my endorsement from any Pub nominee for the next year. I have been impressed with many in the Pub leadership field... Pompeo and DeSantis to name a couple. I don't yet know if they're fighters or not. And yes, I'll vote for the Republican nominee, whomever he/she is.