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The Case for DJT in 2024

A common belief emanating from many old white conservatively leaning peers (male and female) that I encounter, is this: "Gee, I really like what Trump has done. I like his policies. But he brings with him too much personal baggage. DeSantis seems to have the policy direction without the baggage. I prefer him."

I think this view is misguided. Sans Trump we would see the rise of the McConnel/Romney wing of the Pubs and a gradual tweaking, and not needed reform, of the administrative state. DeSantis, as good as he may be, is a neophyte in the ways of standing up to the progressive tsunami. He would cave to left wing pressures. Trump is a force of nature who has shown his ability to fight against the most vicious of progressive perfidy.

I believe Trump's hurricane momentum amplified by his angry deplorables will carry him easily to the nomination and that the geezers referred to above will happily vote for him rather than embracing the alternative, likely Gavin Newsome.