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"The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Above:  "The Real Anthony Fauci" - Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.  - 435 Pages

This extraordinarily well documented book is an expose on how Anthony Fauci has for decades schemed to impose a vaccine tyranny on America and the rest of the world.

I completed reading the above book today.

This extraordinarily well documented book is an expose on How Anthony Fauci has for decades schemed to impose a vaccine tyranny on America and the rest of the world.

As Fauci's scheme pertained to Covid-19, he dictated the lockdown of America, putting the public under virtual house arrest. This resulted in destroying the livelihoods of millions of Americans, driving many to despair and some to suicide. Others were "killed" via denial of normal medical care to make space for the millions of Covid hospitalizations that never materialized.

Fauci, from his powerful platform of The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) declared hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) "ineffective" as Covid early treatment condemning thousands to death who never got this treatment, deemed as successful in many parts of the world.

Fauci pushed for Moderna and Pfizer experimental mRNA vaccines that show growing evidence of abnormal deaths as listed in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting system (VAERS) and in studies throughout Europe. There is also growing evidence of thousands of adverse events, deriving from the mRNA vaccines, including stroke and paralysis. Corporate media, with Fauci's approbation, censors these vaccine risk reports. I just spent two days in Facebook jail for posting a Robert Malone column on UK studies which purport to show that the Covid vaccinated are at higher risk for hospitalization and death.

Per Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Fauci enforced his harmful regime by threatening to withhold billions of dollars of grants to US major hospital systems who allowed for treatment regimens not authorized by him.

The book outlines previous Fauci attempts to exert central control over treatment regimens even at the expense of killing many in the process. Per Kennedy: "Dr. Fauci's take away from the 1976 swine flu crisis seems to have been the revelation that pandemics were opportunities of convenience for expanding agency power and visibility and for cementing advantageous partnerships with pharmaceutical behemoths and for a career advancement. Four years later the AIDS pandemic proved a redemptive juncture for NIAID and the launch pad for Dr. Fauci's stellar rise. The lessons to be learned from orchestrating regulatory responses to the AIDS crisis would become familiar templates for managing subsequent pandemics." (p. 131).

More on Fauci pattern recognition: "Even all those years ago, Anthony Fauci had already perfected his special style of ad-fear-tising, using remote, unlikely, farfetched and improbably possibilities to frighten people. Fauci helped terrify millions into wrongly believing they were at risk of getting AIDS when they were not..." Fauci said, "something less than truly intimate contact can give you this disease." Per Kennedy: "There have been zero cases of AIDS spread by ordinary close contact." (p. 130/131).

Per Kennedy, Fauci used fraudulent studies to push a dangerous drug for AIDS victims. "Dr. Fauci's fraud persuaded hundreds of thousands of people to take AZT. For many of them, it was a lethal choice. In 1987, AZT became the AIDS 'therapy" even though in the recommended dosage of 1,500 mg/day, it was absolutely fatal. Throughout the 1980's, the average lifespan of a patient on AZT was four years... The quality of life on AZT was universally pretty miserable. Many credible scientists argued that AZT killed 330 thousand gay men between 1987 and 2019. Many of the dead were perfectly healthy before beginning the AIDS regimen. (p. 170).

Another Fauci MO: Crush scientists who dissent from his views. Peter Duesberg, a world-famous scientist at UC Berkeley, was an early victim. "On their face, Duesberg's incendiary queries seemed to create an irresistible bulwark against Dr. Fauci's AIDS hypothesis. Even today, Duesberg's rationales appear so clean, so elegantly crafted, and so compelling that, in reading them, it seems impossible that the entire hypothesis did not instantly collapse under the smothering weight of relentless logic... But the AIDS cartel never attempted a reply. Instead, Dr. Fauci met this critical assault by simply ignoring it and by casting anyone who credited it. He set about making Duesberg and example to discourage future inquiries... Dr. Fauci orchestrated a fusillade of withering and venous attacks that effective ended Duesberg's illustrious career." (p. 214).

Fauci has since expanded his activities world-wide, in alliance with Bill Gates. "Media recipients of pharma advertising dollars and Gates Foundation lucre to characterize Gates as a 'public health expert.' But six years after Gates summoned Dr. Fauci to his Seattle mansion, two Los Angeles Times investigative reporters, Charles Filler and Doug Smith, employed the term "White Man's Burden" to describe the catastrophic impact of Gates' medical meddling in Africa. That title suggests that Gates's efforts to rescue the dark races from disease and famine mask all the familiar impulses for imperial control. The comprehensive study provides eloquent testimony to the lethal effect of Gates' natal arrogance on children. Filler and Smith detail how Gates's systematic diversion of Africa's international medical spending to his high tech, high-price, and often untested vaccines is killing children across Africa." (p 309).

This is not just another political book. "The Real Anthony Fauci" specifies how Fauci, Gates, and their cohorts use their control of media outlets, scientific journals, key government and quasi-governmental agencies, global intelligence agencies, and influential scientists and physicians to flood the public with fearful propaganda about COVID-19 virulence and pathogenesis, and to muzzle debate and ruthlessly censor dissent.