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Trump's Authenticity

DJT's behavior can be off putting for sure. However, Trump, ironically, can only succeed if he is indecorously authentic. He's a definite loser if he adopts tasteful, tactful behavior which would be seen by his supporters to be inauthentic. Those who say, "gee, I like Trump's policies, but I can't support him because he's boorish," miss the point. Trump's unbecoming behavior is central to his being seen by his supporters as authentic and, therefore, also, foremost to his obtaining the Pub nomination for President in 2024. Ironically, a possible prosecution of Trump on "trumped up" charges by New York City DA Alvin Bragg, or any other of the pending legal cases against him, could bolster the former president's aura of authenticity in the eyes of his supporters and possibly reverse doubtful views on Trump for some fence sitters as well.

The real resistance by progressives to DJT is not about his oft tactless personal behavior. It's about their fear of his authenticity and his resultant capacity to destroy the hold they currently possess over America's institutions... government, multinationals corporations, academia, tech, and media. It's about DJT's real potential to be a politically disruptive force. Worrying to progressives is DJT's undeniable first term success in thwarting progressive gains. Given another chance, leftists believe, DJT could inflict real damage to their institutional hold on America's current progressive bearing. That Trump must be prevented from having a second shot at the presidency is an all-consuming passion for leftists. Authentic DJT, and not (yet) the myriad of other Republican presidential candidates, whose authenticity is yet to be proven, represents an existential threat to the left. Focus on Trump's narcissism or his mean tweets are a feint used by the left to rally support of low information voters against Trump.

"Authentic Trump" continues to hold the inside track to the GOP 2024 presidential nomination despite the left's (including the left's Uniparty allies) ongoing scurrilous efforts, including the specter of banana republic show trials, to derail him. Is it possible for a Republican challenger to Trump to be authentic, clever AND decorous with an America first, Trump-like political agenda? Many, for whom Trump's personal foibles "trump" his authenticity and executive effectiveness, hope so. Stay tuned.