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Trump's real threat to the left

Opposition to Trump has nothing to do with concern about his personal foibles, though protesting Trump's putative personal weaknesses resonates with low information voters. Rather, it boils down to DJT representing a realistic, plausible threat to the progressive, globalist movement's achieving its aims (socialism, ESG, DEI, transgender legitimization, social credit system etc. etc). When DJT unexpectedly, successfully harnessed the power of the "deplorables (white, Christian, middleclass voters who play by the rules as a generalization) in 2016, it took the left by surprise. The left's ruthless, scandalous actions to try to remove Trump (Russiagate, tax returns, Stormy, "stolen" documents yada) made transparent the limits, or, shockingly, lack of limits, to which Trump opponents will go to get their way. The progressives will win in their pursuit of power unless those who oppose them and what they stand for step up to fight back. I don't see anyone out there, other than DJT or Vivek, who has the character and ability to lead this fight. DeSantis hasn't a hope. He doesn't fight, as witnessed by his backtracking on his "Ukraine is a regional fight, not US business" remark. Whether DeSantis was right or wrong on the issue, his recant displayed a glaring weakness, one that DJT, a proven, double-down, fighter, would have never shown. The deplorables, who value DJT fighting ability more than any other single quality, will not support a candidate who shows moral tepidness, as DeSantis has done. Right now, DJT is a near shoe in for the Pub nomination. DJT electability? For another discussion.


PS. I said earlier that nothing would please me more than to see DJT polices, DJT fight AND shrewd decorum in another candidate. I don't see it yet. All other Pub candidates, but Vivek, are malleable, Uniparty go along to get along, reach across the aisle, Rodney King acolytes ("can't we all get along?"). Hope for a Vivek deus ex machina if you don't like DJT.