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Trump Will Not Withdraw from Pub 2024 Presidential Nominating Process

I believe that today, the reservoir of support, if not outright love, of the deplorables for DJT is deeper than ever... particularly as the misplaced coronavirus policies of the Progs are more clearly seen to be venal. My own prediction is that DJT will once again tap into that deplorable reservoir of support &&& and double down to seek the Pub nomination "against all odds." Ongoing, even ramped up, Progressive anti-Trump brickbats during the upcoming campaign process will only serve to augment deplorable activism on DJT's behalf.

I look back at one of the reasons for my 2016 endorsement of DJT: "He fights." I don't think that has changed. His outsized ego and his narcissism will carry him into the upcoming fight. He won't withdraw.

Uniparty Pub conventional wisdom is that DJT will lose the presidency because independents and Uniparty Pubs will either stay home or vote for the Democrat candidate. I get that... and it may be true, which bolsters the argument for DJT bowing out.

By stating that Trump will stay the course I am not making an endorsement. It is a prediction. My endorsement of who should be the Pub nominee will come later. I do regret the Uniparty never-Trump faction's seeming lack of appreciation of DJT's success in slowing the progress of the Progressive beast... particularly in the light of the massive failure of his two most recent Pub predecessors, the weak and oleaginous McPainE and self-dealing chameleon Delecto.