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Utah Republican Primary Election Results

Utah 2024 Pub primary winners: Not MAGA. Uniparty loyalists. Not conservative (despite their claim to be). All are supporters of uncontrolled spending, more wars, expansive social change, and ongoing erosion of Constitutional freedoms (FISA renewal, TikTok ban). Pierre Delecto must be smiling today. Utah is now a red state poseur. Where is Ezra Taft Benson when you need him?

PS. The Utah convention and/or signature gathering system is a joke... a distraction... a head fake. It should be scrapped for signature gathering only, with all Utah Republican Party efforts dedicated to promoting conservative candidates to the general public and not just to true believers inside the conservative, convention bubble.

PSS. Utah 2. That a combat vet West Pointer, with a daughter at West Point... a family man and high achiever, should lose to an unmarried, virtually appointed/anointed, partial term incumbent, political insider without accomplishment, is a travesty.