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Who is winning? Uniparty or Ultra Maga

There are effectively two political movements in America today, the Uniparty and Ultra MAGA. Joe Biden heads the Uniparty, which holds a sizeable majority in both houses of Congress. In addition, the Uniparty controls the federal bureaucracy, also known as the Administrative State. The Uniparty has strong backing from the academia, big business, tech and entertainment sectors. At the federal level, only the Supreme Court is not under the thumb of the Uniparty.

Uniparty political philosophy:
America is inherently racist... an oppressor. She has consumed too much of the world's resources. The earth is nigh on to turning into a cinder and America's efforts should be turned to environmental preservation and away from greed and exploitation which has a disparate impact on non-white races. Such a shift, in addition to staving off global warming, will result in a fairer economic distribution of the world's resources. Taxes should be raised on the rich and the "irredeemable" middle class. Experts, via world organization cooperation can successfully ease... "reset"... the world into a construct where America is an anti-racist collaborator in fair resource distribution.

Ultra MAGA political philosophy:
America, once the stabilizing power that guaranteed peace, post WWII, is losing its mojo and its will to sustain that peace. America's hard working middle class is being deliberately eroded by globalization and inflation. A weakened America, where individual freedom wanes, gives rise to growing world instability as bad international actors seek to fill the vacuum left in the wake of American lassitude. Limited government, low taxes, and adherence to constitutional principles are the best way to reestablish American prosperity for all of its citizens and to restore America's critical role of preserving world peace.

Who is winning?
The Uniparty continues to make significant advances in managing America's relative economic and military decline vis a vis the rest of the world. Inflation eats at middle class standard of living thereby neutering an irritant to the achievement of social justice. Uncontrolled immigration redresses the racial balance of an overly white America. Reduced military effectiveness has emboldened bad actors. And curtailment of fossil energy production has accelerated the use of renewable energy sources that will ultimately save the earth from destruction. President Biden, based on the foregoing, is doing well at advancing Uniparty aims.