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Why DJT is the only answer

There is only one politician out there that can succeed, as president, at collapsing the progressive juggernaut: DJT. All other Republican presidential wannabes are, maybe unwittingly - give them that - bit players in a governing system that is trapped in a progressive death star tractor beam.

Don't be beguiled by DeSantis. He'll be torn apart by the well-organized progressive propaganda machine. DeSantis is a good guy, but he doesn't have adequate financial resources, the experience, and a fighter's double down instinct, all required to slip clear of a totalitarian future. That's why, if it's not Trump, one might as well vote for a Dem, accelerate the decline, reposition oneself to hunker down and survive as long as possible, and hope (likely beyond the lifetimes of members of my generation) that a freedom Phoenix, birthed by a new generation, will rise from the ashes. Otherwise, this planet results in a failed experiment. Maybe there are planets out there doing a better job at ensuring that human liberty remains at the core of civilizational progress.