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RFK Jr. should be in the debate.

I listened to this podcast (link below) on 25 June 2023, Bari Weiss interviewing RFK, Jr., while driving between our residences in Park City, UT and Ivins, UT (350 miles).

In the podcast, RFK, Jr.'s political position congruence with Trump was noted by Weiss on several points: RFK, Jr. wants border control/wall. He believes in school choice. Per RFK Jr., legacy media/big tech/government suppression of free speech must end. He avers that foreign adventurism by US is unaffordable and morally wrong. In his incarnation into a presidential candidate, RFK, Jr., a populist from the left, appears to be attempting to catch the same wave of middle-class discontent caught by DJT in 2016. RFK, Jr. makes a compelling presentation. As he speaks RFK Jr. demonstrates, across a multiplicity of topics, an understanding of the issues that is both broad and deep.

Intriguing: Per Weiss, Steve Bannon is eager to talk to RFK, Jr., but, per RFK, Jr., his wife, Cheryl Hines (actress, Larry David's wife in HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm"), has put the kibosh on an RFK Jr./Steve Bannon colloquy. Bannon has advocated for RFK, Jr. being a VP running mate with DJT. RFK, Jr., saying nothing to refute Weiss's suggestion about a DJT/RFK Jr. link-up, said he wants to talk to conservative audiences... boasts of being on O'Reilly, Tucker et al many times during the period when he was viewed as a crackpot by the legacy/corporate press. It appears that the two ends of the populist spectrum, RFK Jr., left and DJT, right, are much in synch when the spectrum ends are drawn in a circle to touch one another. That is not to say that DJT and RFK, Jr. may not differ markedly on a range of other issues.

Reference was made in the Weiss/RFK Jr. podcast to the Joe Rogan/RFK Jr. podcast were Joe Rogan and Elon Musk challenged vaccine scientist Dr. Peter Hotez, to debate RFK Jr. on mRNA vaccines (RFK Jr. is a notorious mRNA vaccine skeptic). Despite being promised beaucoup money to give to his favorite charity, Hotez declined the opportunity to debate saying to the effect that he didn't want to participate in a "Jerry Springer event.": Here we see, once again, dismissal and ridicule rather than engagement as a liberal tool in dealing with political opponents. This is what I was talking about in my 19 June 2023 Daily Blog where I noted that liberals don't engage with political opponents; they can only dismiss and ridicule.Hard Wired Non-Conservatives | Stephen DeWitt Taylor The link to the Joe Rogan/RFK, Jr. podcast is here:  #1999 - Robert Kennedy, Jr. - The Joe Rogan Experience | Podcast on Spotify  

RFK Jr.'s book, "The Real Anthony Fauci," also ridiculed and dismissed, without serious scrutiny, by the legacy/corporate press, was a best-selling, fact-based, scrupulously researched, and depressing, tour de force outing corruption at the highest levels of CDC, NIAID, WHO, NIH, Bill Gates and big pharma. "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. | Stephen DeWitt Taylor  Joe Rogan, in his interview with RFK, Jr., expressed disbelief that RFK Jr. wasn't sued for some of the allegations he made in his book. The reason, of course is, that liberals don't engage on issues and facts, where they lose the battle. They can only dismiss and/or ridicule (where they are usually very persuasive, benefitting from the tailwinds of the propagandistic big tech/corporate media alliance).

That the legacy/corporate press, even today, totally ignores RFK, Jr. as a candidate notwithstanding his polling showing 20% support among Democrat voters for the Democrat nomination for President, should make the perfidy of the fascist partnership between the Democrat Party, the deep state, and legacy/corporate/tech media transparent to even the most disinterested citizen.

Weiss asked RFK, Jr. if the moment has arrived when a candidate, ignored by the legacy/corporate press, can become a player in the public sphere without them. RFK, Jr. said, "yes." Weiss, who bolted from the legacy/corporate press (New York Times) a couple of years ago, agreed with him. The rise of independent and conservative media, podcasts, Rumble, Salem etc. now has a critical mass that can compete with the legacy/corporate press, Weiss and RFK, Jr. believe.

After listening to the Weiss/RFK Jr. podcast and reading "The Real Anthony Fauci," I conclude that RFK, Jr. is a serious person who raises important and compelling questions about where the US is headed. That his views are suppressed by big tech platforms, the deep state, and legacy/corporate media should impel the thoughtful person to want, even more, to hear what he has to say.

In addition to Rogan, Musk and Bari Weiss, comic Bill Maher has recently stood behind RFK Jr. as a legitimate candidate deserving of participation on the national presidential election stage (see below link).